Right after my PFG, my next purchase was a quality VHF radio (Standard Horizon HX851 and even though it's waterproof and floats I also bought an Aqua-Pack w/p sack to ensure floatation).

After reading some of the threads about the use of a cell/radio, it dawned on me when someone pointed out that cell service can be sketchy on the water and that
there are no cell towers on the water!

Although a top line VHF will
not guarantee safety, there's a better chance of someone hearing your call for help on a radio.
Did you hear about that lone Kayaker lost for about 16 hours out of Ventura? I'm pretty sure someone would have heard him on a radio if he had carried one, with all the day boats, twilight, overnight, etc. coming in and departing the harbor.
A flare gun is next on my wish list.
Just my thoughts/observations.