Patience, Read, Learn
Welcome to the site. From firsthand experience, I started kayak fishing with a tour guide in Newport Beach and then bought an inflatable kayak for easy travel. Boy was it a Wrong decision in California water. The inflatable is the hardest, most wasteful energy fishing vessel. Just get comfortable with your paddling skills and practice getting in and out of your kayak in the bay. I move on up slowly after 2 hard shell kayak later to the Hobie PA14 and its luxury on the water but a pain to move carry at times. Make sure to strap your gears to coils or bungees or cords cause somehow some way you’ll be donating some to the ocean if you’re not careful. I don’t fish Long Beach but maybe I’ll try it out sometime. I do surf fish there, so just post up a day that you’re planning to head out to a launch and maybe I’ll join you sometime or a few other will join you.