Thread: Hobie question
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Old 04-21-2015, 10:21 AM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 1
Hobie question

Hi, everyone. I recently got introduced to kayak fishing and found this site and I have to say, there is so much great information here.
I picked up a used outback and been enjoying peddling in lake and bay. My next goal is to do open water fishing, and want to get some ideas from Hobie users here;
1. Surf Launch: Do you peddle, or paddle to get pass the surf zone? If paddle, how do you keep the drive. ( I figured out the drive won't fit inside front hatch). If the surf is small, I don't think it will be hard to go knee deep, put in the drive and jump in to start peddle.

2. Fish storage: Say, you get a 20lb YT, or halibut. Do you stuff it inside front hatch, or just tie down behind the bait tank, or just hold it on your lap all the way to landing?

3. Landing: Peddle all all the way to the sand? If so, even you push the drive till the fin is flat, once you hit the sand, Is it going to mess up the fin/shaft? Then you have to lift/tilt your boat in order the remove the drive.

Thanks all , I hope it will shorten my learning curve.
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