In the Begining...........BAJA or BUST
B.o.B. was started to get people to Mexico for the 1st time or to get some of you guys going BACK. After about a year and a half it seems to have worked.
I will continue with these trips as long as I can. That being said I am going through a rough time medically.
Diabetes, low blood flow, and gangrene are causing complications. Late April and early May I will undergo some treatments. Hopefully opening up the vessels in my feet to help with blood flow and then the removal of a toe with gangrene in the bone. The healing process will be affected by my mental stamina.
24 June is a trip scheduled for OUR place at Gonzaga [Los Encantadas]. I will be on this trip, walking and hopefully peddaling. Dr. said single toe removal is usually healed within 30-45 days.
ALL scheduled trips for this year WILL happen, I will be there. Next year you might be on YOUR OWN. But maybe not as doing these trips is so much fun for ME. I thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts. Hopefully we can all fish together again, soon. Remember June 6th in SAN QUINTIN for Halibut. Tight lines.
Home 760-630-4470
Cell 760-520-2514