I would leash everything.. For the paddle you want to leash it heading out so you don't lose it or it slips on the way out and needing to turn around.. On the way in, I would not leash it as you are more prone to flipping and getting tangled up.. Plus it will just wash ashore anyhow...
For the mirage drive, have really good leashes and have it secured well and not to the other bungees cords in the back.. Many guys lose it during launch and landing and they are not easy to find... Not worth a losing 600 part!
Unless you want to be another example I leash everything Including my bait and pee cup...
Originally Posted by Caseym
So I've joined the peddling community and have ditched the paddle....well not entirely. So I'm wondering from you more experienced anglers, Do I need a paddle leash anymore? Seems like overkill since I don't have it connected going in or out of the Surfline, which is really the only time I'm planning on using it. Otherwise she's just going to be attached to the side....any help/ideas for this new game are appreciated. Beyond stoked just to try this thing out!!