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Old 02-02-2015, 10:22 PM   #1
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Hobie Revolution 16

I picked up a new Hobie Revolution 16 from Andy at OEX Sunset beach last week, finally had a chance to get it on the water for its maiden voyage.

Here is the short review

The Hobie Revolution 16 is long and lean. It is build for speed and for covering some serious distance on the water. It has generous storage capacity, and new upgraded features like the Vantage CT seat, Lowrance ready, and the new GT Mirage drive.

And the rest of the review with a few pictures…

The Hobie Revolution 16 is based off the same hull as the previously named Hobie Adventure. This is a good thing, because that hull is legendary, and one of the best ever made. It is lightning fast, quiet on the water, good initial and secondary stability, and it is shaped like a traditional touring kayak hull. Its sharp bow entry slices through chop like butter, tracks well, moves almost effortlessly with the Mirage drive, but is equally capable if you decide you would like to take out the mirage drive and paddle for a while.

The hull of the Hobie Adventure was a proven winner, and had been my kayak of choice for almost 10 years.

Here is a link to my previous Hobie Adventure. It might be worth a look to see what the upgrades are.

At 27.5” wide, and 16 feet long, this kayak won’t be for everyone. Someone once told me, “You can learn stability, but you can’t make a slow kayak fast”. If speed and covering lots of miles on the water sound fun, this might be the kayak for you.

Keeping true to its touring kayak ocean worthy design, it’s a bit more stable than you would think…

With the name change, the Revolution 16 also received a facelift with a few new features, and upgrades.

The most notable upgrade is the Vantage CT seat. The vantage CT Seat is comfy, it keeps your butt dry (which is a big upgrade from the Adventure), and has lots of adjustability to keep you comfortable on the water all day.

Here is a video that explains it better than I can.

From a real world review perspective, I can tell you that the seat is considerably more comfortable than any other kayak seat I’ve ever been on. The ability to recline and shift my position OTW was great, and my back appreciated it as well. On this kayak, I doubt I’ll use the “high” vantage seating position much out in the ocean, but I probably would in calm water, or if conditions allowed. Hobie re-designed the seating cockpit of all their 2015 kayaks, so the seat used in the “low” position retains the low center of gravity and the general feel of kayak. There was no loss of stability or change in balance with the Vantage CT Seat. Hobie really hit a home run with this upgrade.

Here are some pics of the actual seat on the Revo 16.

Height and kickstand adjustments are on the front right in this pic

Here it is in the low position

And here it is in the high “vantage” position

And maybe the coolest feature of the seat, is that after a long day on the water, it is its own beach chair

The 2nd notable upgrade is that Hobie made the Revolution 16 Lowrance Ready. It is no secret that the best place for a transducer to be is in the water. It gives you the most accurate readings, real-time water temps, and there is no loss of signal. Hobie designed a pretty clean system to mount the transducer directly in the water.

Here is a video that explains the Lowrance ready system much better than I can.

Here are a few pics of it on the new Revolution 16

And here are 2 screenshots of what having a transducer in the water can do for you…

It also comes with a variety of different grommet adapters to fit different size wires. It is also probably worth noting that the Lowrance ready system will work with other brands of fishfinders and transducers.

Hobie also added a few upgrades to the Mirage Drive. The new GT Mirage Drives have added roller bearings, which reduce friction at key points in the drive. I had it out once, and it was smooth as butter. It did what it was supposed to do, so far so good as far as that upgrade goes. If interested in upgrading your old drive, you can also buy the GT upgrade kit. While you are at it, get the turbo fins. Trust me, get the turbo fins!

Here is the new GT Mirage Drive

There are a few other additions that didn’t get as much press, but are worth mentioning. With the re-design of the seating area, Hobie added the venturi scupper drain under the seat. The idea is that venturi drains help evacuate any water in the seating cockpit faster that a traditional scupper would. Google it if you care about the physics. It also has a tether if you would like to leave it in either the open or closed position.

Here is a pic of the seating area, venture drain, and the pull for the drain.

Here are a few other pictures that show the whole kayak better

This thing is built for speed

Check out this bow entry. Its mean!

Here is the New Revo 16 on the left, next to the old Adventure on the right. They kept the good bones of a killer hull design.

Just messing around on the maiden voyage. Don’t mind the duct tape finder mount, but check out the 8.1 mph on the GPS.

Here is a full view of the cockpit

And one of my favorite features of the kayak is the massive tankwell. No more doing gymnastics trying to get a fish secure…

If you are going to OEX Sunset Beach to get a new Hobie, pick up a sailing rudder for it. Fits Outback’s and Revo’s, and makes ‘em turn on a dime. Check out the size difference vs. the stock rudder. Inexpensive upgrage that makes a world of difference.

While you are there, also pick yourself up a decent set of straps. I always get a kick out of guys I see loading up their fancy kayaks on the beach, and strap them up with cheapo Wal-Mart ratchet straps.

Overall, the Hobie Revolution stayed true to its touring kayak inspired roots, except that it is a touring kayak on steroids with the additions of the Mirage Drive, the Vantage CT Seat, and the ability to add a fishfinder. It is easily car-toppable, and doesn’t require a trailer to get to the water. The Revolution 16 retains the simplicity of what makes kayak fishing it own intrinsic reward, while adding a few sophisticated upgrades to make your day on the water more comfortable and productive.

As usual, if you are interested in a Hobie, give Andy a call at OEX Sunset Beach. He has just about every model in stock, from the nimble Hobie Sport, all the way up to the unbelievable Pro Angler 17T.

The End

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