Thread: LA JOLLA 08/06
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Old 08-07-2014, 07:54 AM   #13
Bert Vega
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Originally Posted by lbsurf2ca View Post

Can you post a little bit about your setup? I know lots of guys on here will jump at the chance to give you some advice. If you haven't connected this summer your doing something wrong. Not to say that blind luck won't get you a yellow this summer but instead of just saying "you'll getum next time" have you considered getting a guide? Some guys just aren't really into that and want to figure it out on their own which is fine but if your a poor shmuck like me and only get one shot a week to fish then you may want to consult the darkhorse (Josh Pruitt). It's a small price to pay considering all the knowledge Josh throws at you. In my eyes it saved me so much time and money.

When out on the water being ready and maximizing on opportunity is key.
This is great advise. Cost is completely worth it. The know how you will gain is worth 3x the expense. To a total rookie like me. The lessons were priceless.
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