Originally Posted by jorluivil
Are you sure you got the whole kayak?
Originally Posted by jruiz
Big thanks for Roby and Frank for putting this together. My digicam quit on me before the trip so all I have is on the shore phone pics.
First day. This pic was from my last drop, on my last drift, on the last piece of kelp before the landing. PB verm @ 7lb 6oz. It looked really old
Your red was real nice. The picture doesn't show its true size.
Originally Posted by ericko
Glad I made one photo ... One of the best kayak trips I've been on. Fishing was good even for me and as always food was good.
I can't wait to do this trip again. Thanks again for getting the homemade apple pie on that last night.
Originally Posted by radastaff
don't stick your fingers in a lings mouth
its a no no
woopsy thought it was u with the bleeding finger
well then never mind I guess
heh heh
cool trip
I made it up there last sat too
the GW's are still around
guy got bumped off two weeks ago
bleeding fish near the launch
be careful
I got two personal best lings and two bruiser reds
+ a lot of other fishes
also forgot to bring enough swim baits
only had 3
gonna try and make the slam down coming up
it should be insane fun
100 yakkers I think last year
you guys should come up fur sure
On the last evening we were fishing, I had a lingcod dangling from my kayak and I had this eerie feeling I wasn't alone. I saw this huge mark on my fish finder at 60 feet and just knew it had to be "The Man." With Piedras Blancas so close, I think the GWs are always around.
Originally Posted by Deamon
Roby! Where's the money shot? Pic of bleeding cut finger please. Or this post is a bogus cut and paste scam where (4) men camped together and made a pact...what goes on up here, stays up here, right guys?
You have been invited twice and you keep blowing off the trip. Wassup Dawg?!
Originally Posted by steveooo
I like it! Nice pre-fishin session for the Cambria Slam Down with what looks like a pretty fun group. Conditions look killer up there, nice timing.
No pre-fishing. I join tournaments for the raffles only and even then I don't win. Conditions were great. Hopefully, it stays that way for the Slam.
Originally Posted by momo fish
Speaking of, anyone heading up to the cambria slam this year? Couldn't go last year due to work but been planning on attending this year.
Registration will open in a week or so hopefully.
It's definitely worth attending. The coastline is amazing. We saw whales two days in a row. Ryan also runs a smooth tourney.
Originally Posted by bus kid
You guys dared to fish in Yakjoes backyard with out him? 
Who's Yakjoe?