Thread: Redondo
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Old 07-31-2014, 08:40 PM   #1
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Fished Redondo today with the 80's Man. Arrived in the weeeeee hours, launched in the dark and got to the bait grounds just before sunrise, made some bait and off we went. The winds and swellllllllll were up, way up, it was hard for me to hold my position in my PA so I can't imagine was it was like for Rob who was on a paddle kayak. I'm thinking that my 8oz sinker spent more time off the bottom than it did on the bottom.

I'm not in the mood to right a full report so here's the short one

Here's a quick video of the swell.
20140731 084309 from Jorge L Villegas on Vimeo.

And the bait

made bait
got sea sick
went home

new $2.00/hr rates at Redondo start tomorrow..........thanks City of Redondo


Last edited by jorluivil; 08-01-2014 at 10:45 AM.
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