Thread: RIP Tony Gwynn
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Old 06-16-2014, 10:59 AM   #2
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A True Sportsman

Originally Posted by MrPatrick View Post
I shed a few tears this morning for man I was fortunate enough to meet once in a non baseball situation. He stopped in to the store I worked at and had the opportunity to help him. He saw that I recognized him as soon as I saw him. He asked where something was and asked me to walk him to the item. We talked non baseball stuff on the way. I like to think he may have enjoyed not talking baseball for a change.
I am not a huge sports person. I love the Padres, but again, not really a huge baseball fan. In a time where "sports idols" are revered and paid huge amounts of money, and are associated with "performance enhancing drugs, arrested for DUI, even murder" at times times, in walks Tony Gwynn. He was amazing without any drugs, he stayed true to the Padres and San Diego (Adrian?), all in all, just a good man who played for the love of the game. A true sportsman is gone, along with an he represented. A sad day indeed.

RIP Tony,

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