Thread: Ghost Bustin
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Old 06-11-2014, 05:26 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by momo fish View Post
I agree with you about going out there and fishing. The assumptions being made is that others don't and just rely on others or reports. I fish 2-3 times a week these days and for 6 to 12 hours at a time. I fish mostly one area cause I don't know many guys and frankly don't know many areas yet which is why I am on this forum.

I'm sure Greg is a great guy and this is not anything specifically towards him but in general as from what I hear from multiple guys this used to be a more share friendly community. I hope you veterans can think back to when you started how much you appreciated the good reports that you took something away from and improved your game.

I have my own pains which is 3 years and no big fish yet you won't hear a peep out of me. Heck I even drowned twice and still go out the next day. But you know the day I catch # 1, 2 or number 60 I will post my report. If 30 kayakers decide to join me then cool. There is plenty of fish and doubt a small kayak community can cause more damage than the party boats do everyday.

In my humble opinion it's selfish to post a report but not want to share any any little info about it. Might as well not post and be a lurker the contribution is the same.

Most of us are not in some secret code group cause some can fish 90% more time than others but I would not dismiss the other 10% as really I'm sure they wish they could fish the 90% of the time.

And your right we do miss yakjoe.
I'll be the first to admit that I AM NOT a fishing veteran


15 trips to LJ
200 miles round trip
up at 2am
home at 5pm

10 trips to Cabrillo
up at 4am
home at 4pm
1 barely legal halibut

Do you see the common denominator?
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