Thanks Jim.
I thought part of being on a forum is to share some info and not just to come get high fives when you do finally hook something to benefit the "community". If not then again like others have said it's not a report and more of a "here is what I can do".
I'm not asking for specific spots that no one else knows and people discovered themselves. I just asked where the squid beds are in general. Could of said outside of Oceanside, redondo or Zimbabwe and that would of at least pointed me in some direction. What is the point of any forums if that little info is not even shared. Heck even BD reports will indicate the days and area and most here think boaters are ###. Yet a kayak community won't even share that much with each other ? I have met guys at launches who won't post anymore and also those that post delayed post and I just don't understand it but I don't insist or tell them otherwise. I appreciate the info I get and share what little I know.
I can tell you this much that the day I actually catch something decent I will be posting it as 2 years ago I had no clue what I was doing on a kayak and these days I'm much more confident due to others showing me the ropes. I wish I could say I learned much from the post on here but really all I learned is how to pose when I get a trophy fish and how to smudge out the background and wait a few weeks

. (Not all reports are like that and for the good ones I say THANK YOU).
Ironic we are ok watching and chasing sports and private boaters which is pretty much poaching there efforts but god forbid we share info among this group with a common hobby. Are we competing against each other for some unknown prize I'm not aware of or do we view each other as comrades. I would be happy to see you guys catch a trophy from info I provide or fish among others in good areas even if I skunk it. (And trust me I have many times)
Btw heard good things about you Jim from a buddy so don't take any of this in your direction. You just happen to have the balls to respond first! Lol
Originally Posted by Deamon
Ha! Here's what I do besides relying on others to give it up...
Ask myself..."now Jim, where have the squids beds been in past years?"
Watch the sport boats counts and see target fish in any quantity or planned late night trips in the schedule.
And at times, when guys like Greg just won't give up what they worked so hard to find on their own...just before dusk, I'll scream out at home really loud so everyone can hear me at one time: "Does anyone want to go for a ride with me?" I always get crickets and closed bedroom doors...because they know that means I'm driving the coast in the dark looking for groups of poorly lit boats huddled together. And if any lights are green...BINGO! I'll then scan the area and ask myself: Jim, do you have the balls to launch anywhere near here to check this out in more detail?