Originally Posted by driftwood
Ok YakJOKE. I call her THE MACHETE and she will leave your carnitas taco in the dust! I hook fish that caca bigger than you! that's why I carry an ax and a machete.
NO jack in the box joe you don't have the best set up out there and you are not the best kayak fishing vato out there. I been hooking up YT,WSB, since you were diapers.
Ok, now lets see your Jack in the box set up? Are you ready to go?
I told you not to ask me what I got. How come you never hook up Yellowtail. WSB taste like nada... bad fish tacos smell. Yellowtail taste better and fight harder!
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Now or course that is the 4k ultra HD flat screen, hooked up to satellite imaging, downscan/sidescan/upscan, blue tooth to the sub fleet for up to date commi and north Korean sub sightings, filtered water to the bait tank to keep them top notch with O2 injection fittings.
Ergonomic thrust propulsion, via, helmet visual guidance.
And of course surround sound to boom the croaks of the WSB to bring the big in's around.