Thread: A Reel Find
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Old 06-02-2014, 09:41 PM   #1
Hunter (The 80's Man)
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A Reel Find

If you're not familiar with Alan Tani's website, you should be. This website's got everything you'll ever need to know to service your reels, find and order parts.

I found a really cool post the other day on how to pimp out your old Diawa SL's. There was a link to a local machine shop (just-so-happen to be less than 5 miles from my house). The guy builds aluminum frames to replace your old broken-down graphite ones. Combine these frames with some carbontex drag washers, throw in a new bearing or two, and you got a sweet little upgraded reel.

He makes two sizes (for now)... SL20sh and SL30sh, which are actually smaller than the original frames. They come with all new screws and even alan wrenches for assembly.

(An inside look at the left side of the reel... Take your time and the transfer is actually pretty easy.)

The final product. SL20sh, full 7075 aluminum frame with tons of smooth drag, and capable of holding 375 yards of 50 pound PowerPro.

Here's the link:

The guy's name is Mike, super cool (if you're going to contact, email the charter address, not the att... tell him Rob the kayak guy sent you)
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