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Old 04-23-2014, 12:31 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by MrPatrick View Post
Sorry to say, there won't be a Bass and Brew 2014. My wife and I have decided to focus on losing weight. I was born with a bone disease that I lost my left femur head to when I was five. I have a different condition in both of my knees and bursitis in both shoulders. My doctors said that I'd be lucky to not need a knee replacement by 50. Well, I'm lucky. Dropping weight will take stress of my joints. It refuse to stop paddling! Even if I do take forever to time surf launches because I have a hard time getting on my yak safely in the surf zone .
We both work full time and her job is up in Foothill Ranch. A sixty mile drive one way. putting on an event is like a second job, as Neil and Wade can attest to.
I plan to attend as many events this year as possible and help out if I can. We really loved putting on last years event and do plan on having a Bass and Brew 2015. I'm kicking around ideas for 2015 and will keep BWE crew informed.

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Your health is most important. Looking forward to a possible 2015 B&B, but mostly looking forward to a healthier you and your wife.
No better time than being on the water,

God Bless,

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