Thread: Smaller Hobies
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Old 04-23-2014, 10:18 AM   #12
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There should never be a problem with storing trophy fish if you plan ahead. Dont settle for less, I did and I regretted it every time I got on the water and saw others paddling and peddling around in better kayaks. I am now a proud owner of a pa14 and am happy I threw down the extra money for a better yak. The hobie sport is fun and very versatile. I personally wouldnt take it out very far in the ocean but thats just me. Plenty of people told me that they wouldnt dare go to open water in the yak I originally had but I did it anyways and no problems.
As stated by someone else, a roof rack system would be your best bet, and would allow you to get a bigger yak such as an outback or revo 13.
My $0.02
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