04-23-2014, 09:21 AM
Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Lancaster, CA
Posts: 345
Originally Posted by TJones
you are in the ocean . not the lake . that is a free meal for any dog ( seal ) in the vicinity . much less , you are inviting sharks . if a dog sees that fish , or smells it , he will grab it and flip you . worse case , steal your yak from you . two guys were up north , i believe one guy took out his brother in law for his maiden trip to the ocean . the gws popped him out of his seat when he made his attack from below the yak . the guy was able to recover and get back in , unharmed and make it to shore . their were some pictures posted . it looked like a hobie sport . i doubt if the fellow will be returning to the ocean anytime soon . at the least , he will need some plastic welding on his underside .