So here's my 1st report...
I fell asleep and missed Easyday's reply and Newport Beach. So off to Los Alamitos Bay. Got there about 7am and dropped my line over by the jetty. Used dbl dropper rig with cut squid. Caught 5 fish. First was a sand dab. He was small but I was glad to know it was not going to be a skunk day. Next a lizard fish followed by another lizard fish... I just jerked them off my line... well, I didn't jerk them off, you know what I mean. After some time another fish meets my kayak deck. I don't know what it is, will one of you let me know. It had yellow tipped fins. Finally, my last fish was fugly and viscious. Wth is that fish... a snakehead? Anyway... my day didn't measure to the days many of you have, but at least no skunk and I was out on the water.

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