Originally Posted by alanw
Yea all these flavors are a lot for a newbie to pick from. Any good suggestions on regular tobacco flavors and maybe a few good other flavors as well? Some sound good and may taste good for a bit but I'm not sure if you can handle the flavor for a full day or more let alone a full bottle. Also, what's the best way to change flavors often, get a drip tip or just have multiple tanks?
Finding your go to flavors is the hardest part of vaping for sure. Go to E-cig City Mission Viejo (27500 Marguerite Parkway #2) and taste a bunch of flavors. I've moved away from tobaccos, so I can't really help you there. I prefer non-tobacco menthols myself. I like Mount Baker Vapor's Extreme Ice, Orange Ice, and Thug Juice. From E-cig City I get Dura Smoke's Classic Menthol and Blueberry Chill.
For testing flavors I use a 306 dripping atomizer. For flavors I don't vape often I use my Igo L or Igo W. For my 4 main flavors I use 3 different carto tanks and an Evod. The Igo (or similar Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer) is nice because you can wrap your coil and use cotton for the wick. When you want to change flavors you just change out the cotton. But, RDAs take some patience and practice and aren't for everyone.
For newbies I personally recommend Evods ($5 or $6) on a Twist or MVP. Evods are cheap, so having multiple flavors going isn't going to break the bank, they have pretty good vapor and taste (for what they are), and the coils are replaceable (about $1.50). I love carto tanks, but they have a bit of a learning curve to them. Plus, it's not worth buying a cheap one. A good glass one is going to run about $30. The Igo is a great place to start with rebuildables as they only cost about $15 and are easy to setup. But, again there's a learning curve to them.