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Old 04-02-2014, 10:16 PM   #23
Amish Ed
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For me, I miss smoking most while fishing. But, I too vape now and found a setup that works for me while fishing. I use a eGo-T upgrade at 3.7v and an 1.8ohm Evod on a lanyard. 36mg liquid means I don't have to hit it too frequently. I'm down to 6mg for my regular usage though. It gets water on it here and there and keeps working.

I've tried subohm and didn't like it. I have an Igo L and W, but don't use them much. Too fiddly for my liking. I just want my nicotine with good vapor, so a carto tank on my Provari or MVP 2 gets the job done. I have one particular juice I like in the Evod too.

If you guys haven't found it yet, check out ECF.
Amish Ed
You can't catch it again if it's dead!
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