Originally Posted by Endlers
Duh I think i understand now. All the info finally clicked. ( i am a Surfer, Skateboarder, Body Surfer,) so jumping right into the surf was kind of the natural way for me. Plus i was raised with a pool in my backyard.
1. Load Gear, Kayak, Self, in car.
2. Drive car to Spanish Landing Park.
3. Unload Kayak, Self, And Paddle.
4. Load self into kayak and paddle around the bay for a little bit to get how to paddle down first.
5. Once i feel i can paddle. Flips self. and learn re entry.( have watched videos)
6. If i can manage all of that in the morning and feel good about my self then load all my gear and go fish!
Sound about right?
I made allot of mistakes finding out what was good and what was bad and what to look for and what to stay away from when buying a kayak. I now have a very good understanding of what will work for me. This kayak may work for you for the bay and lakes. I just know that everyone's opinions are being voiced out of concern for your safety. That kayak will not have the tracking or speed to punch through the surf zone and 90% of injuries in this sport are launching and landing

"The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope."