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Old 03-31-2014, 08:46 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by William Novotny View Post
If I may add one note. Never leash your paddle in the surf zone. If you bail you could become wrapped in it and injure yourself. You want to be able to get out of the way of your yak if it's being pushed by a wave. Doesn't seem like allot but the combined weight of your kayak and all that water behind it can really do some damage to whatever it runs into. Strap down your gear but untether your paddle.

Great Advice!!!

At last years Cambria Slam Down there was a kayaker that got tossed when he was landing. Actually, there were quite a few that got tossed but I remember this one in particular. Apparrently, after he got tossed the rescue crew came to his aid and began pulling on the kayak which was attached to a leash which was attached to a paddle which was wrapped around his armpit and neck. Fortunately, we were able to release the leash right away and get him up and on dry land safely. The entire chain of events lasted about 20 - 30seconds but by the time the kayaker was able to stand and start walking you could tell that he was out of breath.

Imagine if this happened while he was solo.

Yes, I am trying to scare but its for a reason.
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