03-30-2014, 01:27 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Nor Cal...30 min from Bodega/Tomales Bay, 1hr from Clear Lake, 2+ hr to Berryessa & the Delta
Posts: 729
Originally Posted by octico
This is just my observation take it for whats worth! Today was my first time out on a yak. Things you MAY want to do:
1. If you are not launching from the surf or rough water, not everything has to be tethered or strapped down.
2. Get a radio ... cheap one should do for now.
3. Be mindful of you rigs. I thought it would be smart to have all my rigs set up before fishing, only to find out once we got on the fish I had all three rods tangled.
4. Bring a cup to pee in.
5. Last and most important bring more than 4 beers with you, 6 max! You can offer one to close friend for bait
Please take this for what its worth I am just a newb!
I bring a bunch of cigars and a flask of 25y.o. Bourbon! 