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Old 03-30-2014, 12:05 PM   #8
William Novotny
The carpetbagger
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Originally Posted by FISH11 View Post
Great lessons learned on that trip. The best one was #5. Yeah when working out either paddling or pedaling a Kayak, your body has no problem processing a larger number of beers in 4 hours. If you're out in La Jolla for 11 hours, 6 might not be enough. #4 on the list is also a good one, some guys use a gatorade bottle. If you don't empty it right away it might be a good idea to label it or permanent marker on the side, the intended use. On my older Malibu X Factor they have a scupper directly in front of the seat. That is one of the best features, never have to move or kneel down or use a bottle. #1 on the list is not correct as Wilderness Wanker stated, it's best to have leashes on all expensive gear. All it takes is one quick unintended move and you're in the water. I think it was Jim Sammons who said "where your head goes your body goes". Almost every trip is some new lesson learned. Tight Lines!
I think I'm to blame on setting a bad example on #1. I have a hard time getting all of my gear tangled in my leashes so I opt out. I know allot of guys have allot more invested in their equipment then me though. I know it's a matter of time before I lose some stuff. I've just excepted it. The only time I've come close to tipping was because I couldn't get my rod leash untangled behind me. I think the most important checklist is the safety measures. Vhf, pfd and any other 3 letter abbreviation you can come up with are a valuable thing to have on board. All the things you don't need until you need them
"The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope."
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