A couple more pictures:
All of the fish we cleaned has their stomachs plugged with these guys:
These red crabs seemed to be around almost all of the time. They would range from seeing a couple swimming around the kayak. to massive 5 acre floats. There was one morning when they were particularly thick and you could hear the calicos slurping them off the surface.
I was fishing with plastics one morning and hooked up with something big. I fought him for probably 10 minutes almost straight up and down. I figured it might be a grouper or black sea bass but when I got him to the surface it turned out to be a sea turtle about 3 1/2 ft diameter that I had snagged underneath his front leg. He would come up for one breath and then take off for the bottom again. He was simply unstoppable after a fresh breath. I wanted to get a picture but he would not cooperate so I cut him loose.
I took an hour to explore the island a bit. Looked like the surface of the moon.
We had an osprey land on a pole behind our cabin with his evening meal. He was still there working on it the next morning.
OK you Baja travelers. Anyone recognize this place?
The water was gin clear and one could see an amazing amount of life down to 30 ft. The one cast that I caught the 43 pounder, it hit fairly close to the yak, and there was another yellow of equal size literally fighting for the privilege of attacking my megabait.
Me and my 37

Adam and his 38

Me and my 43