Originally Posted by jorluivil
Jim D, it would make it much easier for all of us if you just told what you HAVEN'T done.
It's really pretty simple. It seems like I do a lot, but I only really do two things: fishing, and building things, or just making shit. I've been doing those same two things since I was like five years old and everything else is kind of a spin off of those two things.
I got into art because it was a way to make money building things, same with welding and custom fabrication. I like to cycle because I like building bikes, same with motorcycles, and they are both cheap ways to get to a fishing hole.
Never been to Europe or anywhere else out of the US except Mexico (for fishing), and I pretty much only travel for work or to go fishing. Been on TV a few times but it was work related once again building things.
Fishing and fishery issues got me interested in the environment, and science.
It also got me interested in boats. Building boats combined fishing and making things, same with Kayaks, so it was a natural for me. You may not have heard the story but I never kayaked before I built a kayak that I designed myself. My first trip I fished that kayak out of MDR and I caught a few halibut. I kid you not... when I sat down in it I'd never been in a yak before and almost fell over right then, gear and all, right at the dock.
I think I'm really lucky I found a way to make a living doing what I really love to do. My old man was the same way, in that he loved to build things but he worked the last half of his life at a desk job he hated. At least I have my shop and my tools and am doing what I love full time.
The biggest problem for me is I hate making the same thing twice, and I hate paperwork, so I have no patents, no set clientele and there's no set steady market for what I do. Trust me it's not all making steel underwear for fashion models either. Custom fabrication just means making shit for whoever comes through the door. Last week I built a bunch of steel painting racks for a woman in Topanga , next week I'm building a steel and plastic greenhouse porch for a Swiss guy. I'm helping a girl build her first bike frame next weekend, and after that I'll probably be welding on another a 21 ft Bayrunner. Last month I didn't work at all because I got hit by a car riding my bike and almost got my neck broke. So I just live by my wits day to day.
I don't really have to B.S. about the things I know and do. I either know something or don't, or have done something or I haven't, no point in pretending otherwise. Usually when I think or believe something I have good reason for it. I know it looks like I talk a lot of shit but the truth is you only get the tip of the iceberg, and most of the shit I play with I never put online.
For instance I saw your Harley in your garage photo the other day, so I gather you know something about bikes.
We should ride together. I ride some with the VVMC guys, as well as the Cretins, and also the Deus Ex Machina crowd. You should come up and ride with us the next ride. Good group of guys and the rides are a blast. I just missed Hanson Dam and the Hell on wheels event but I try to make the things I can, and hit most of the Deus events.
Here's a link to the last one:
Pics for that event: Deus 2013 Bike build off.
My bike (one of less then forty) in that show.
Here's a pic for those who don't do Facebook:
What's cool about that bike other then it's unique (completely my design) is that that silver stainless piece behind the shock pulls out and the bike drops down into a more chopper geometry.
In that pic it's up in desert riding mode but when I pull the spacer it looks like this:

The suspension is full on offroad capable (DRZ400 forks R1200GS rear) so I can ride it out to the desert as a chopper, throw it on the center stand then raise it with the spacer and ride on rougher terrain. End of the day I drop it back into a chopper for the ride home. One fun bike.
I'm not saying it won anything in the contest, or that it's incredibly bad ass, but it got a lot of attention, and that's just a daily rider I threw together with almost no money from my old wrecked R65, and straight up I'm proud as hell that they even asked me to participate at all since I missed the registration date.
Bottom line if I say I built something or fished somewhere I probably did. If I start trying to pretend I'm some kind of world traveler or a rich guy with a Ferrari you have my permission to give me a good kick in the ass