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Old 12-25-2012, 07:13 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Amish Ed View Post
I don't have #'s for you, but this will get you to the Pipe. It's particularly easy to find right now with all the buoys on around it. Head out of the harbor at like a 60º angle from the outside jetty. When you hit around 45-50' go left and stay in that depth. The pipe will come up about 8'. It lines up with the red buoy on the inside and the lefthand barber pole on the outside. The Pipe starts in about 25' and goes out to at least the poles, but I've never fished it deeper than 65-70'. The pipe does wander a bit, but not more than maybe 30' off the landmarks I gave you.

I haven't fished south in a while, but if you head south stay in about 20' until you see the walkway over PCH. Then just wander around, lots of little rock piles around. This is especially true around Capo Reef and south to the end of the houses.

Sorry I don't have #'s, but I've never tried to use that feature on my FF. So, I don't know how or even if I can pull #'s from a given waypoint.

Okay thanks Ed...and no problem on the numbers. I realize not everyone has GPS equipment or uses the GPS feature within their finders.
So, the "pipe" is north of the harbor? See, I had always thought it was to the south. How far off shore is the furthest end of the pipe?
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