Originally Posted by BrokeLoser
At the end of the day...after all the time and money spent, the only thing I really find rewarding is a catch of fish...Frankly, I never brag about the fact that I can read a fish finder or the fact that I know where different species of fish live...but I do brag about catching fish...To each his own...I suppose
Well if thats all you find rewarding....then you are going to be dissapointed...alot.
You dont need to brag about knowing how to read your fish finder, in fact i dont know anybody who does...but learning how to interpret your fishfinder, will have you bragging about how much fish you caught alot more.
So your looking for a starting point? What do you want to catch? If its halibut or bass, the headlands and salt creek are great starting points. You already know where that is right?