Originally Posted by Chief Gunner
Thank you all who viewed and replied, it gave me some comfort knowing I was not alone on this.....
No Plie of Sloppy Wet & Smelly Dog Turd, Parasitic Thief is ever gonna keep me from getting to one of the things I love most.
They might have snuck in and stolen the truck while I was sleeping but I am not going to let my PA sit there collecting dust & I sure as hell am not gonna mess up the 4Runner trying to get it on top.
So with some added overtime $ I eaned; I cruised CL before going to work this morning and found me this sweet "like new" Jet Ski Trailer for only $600.
It's actually going to be much easier on me loading/unloading now than having to lift it up over my head everytime I go Fishing...
So a big "F" You!! to the scum who stole my Truck!. I guarantee that if you come around here again & I catch you that you will suffer fom a very rapid & Extremely Violent case of accute lead poisoning, Finished off with my size 13 boot dripping blood, guts & mud from your Sorry Ass you POS!
It still needs some tweaking but I'm aleady getting close to dialing it in so I can go Fishing Tomorrow & Sunday

Just wait till you do catch them and your standing outside with your 12ga pointed at them and you but ass naked now that scares the shit out of them kids!
and with the trailer, I am thinking of doing the jet ski trailer idea.
But I was wondering if launching/loading would work just the same with the PA as it would a jet ski by just backing it into the water?
Let me know how it works so I can talk the wife into letting me spend the cash!