Took my son on his first Halibut hunting trip.
He has gone fishing with me many times, I always work very hard to ensure that he catches something.....but catching A Hali.....well......
Brian did not complain one time about the waves, sun, or anything else. He did get a little upset when he tried to pee....into the wind.

He has to learn.
Brian's total for the day:
1 Sandy 16in c&r
1 Calico 17-18 in c&r
1 Hali 29in dinner
A couple of quotes from a 6 year old:
"Why don't we just eat these Sardines?"
"The wind attacked me with my pee."
"Catching Halibuts is not that hard, all your friends should try it."
"Daddy, I think I have
salty butt."
"Daddy, you'll get one next time."
Some photos from Brian's day:
17-18 inch calico
29 inch Hali