Originally Posted by PapaDCh
Wade, I have a PA14 and flipped it yesterday as well. I actually could have avoided it, was trying out the idea of coming in backwards, facing the waves. Worked pretty good until I thought I'd be clever and try to turn around in between a set. Sorry to hear about the loss, LJ sure has a high price tag for fishing there. And if anyone is out there looking and find a pair of persciption sunglasses and a VHF radio, give me holler.
HA! I thought that was you?...

I was the ONLY guy who jumped in after you, and picked up all the crap I could and gave it back to you..hat, lures, bobbers,tackle box,ect..
All the kayak anglers on the beach just sat,watched and laughed at mine & your slam?!...WTF?
When you see a fellow plastic fishing brother bail, lend a hand and help grab whatever ya can..I probably could have avoided my rods getting snapped if someone stopped my upside down freight train from running aground..
*(Note to self: The PA14 has horizontal rod holders. 6 to be exact.. )*
& thats 2 more than I even needed!?..Double