Thread: 30 Pound Club
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Old 12-21-2011, 12:48 PM   #18
SquidJig's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: San Diego
Posts: 76
35#, 33#, 32# Yellowtails

First two shots. 35# caught 7/27/10. My first legit YT and still PB. (The other previous one was only 15# and was foul-hooked). One hell of a fish. She dragged me around for about an hour. She kept me pinned to the 'rail' and wouldn't let me gain any line on her.

Third shot. 33# caught 11/9/11. I thought this one was a mac stealing squid then I thought, "if you're going to take it, take it!", at which point it whipped the rod tip 90° and started stripping off line. This one's flesh was riddled with black flecks but was still tasty.

Fourth shot. 32# caught 11/13/11. November was a good month. This one was pissed off. It taught me what headshaking means.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 35# YT.jpg (42.6 KB, 1387 views)
File Type: jpg 35# YTb.jpg (50.4 KB, 1381 views)
File Type: jpg 33# YT.jpg (56.6 KB, 1378 views)
File Type: jpg 32# YT.jpg (64.5 KB, 1381 views)
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