Forum: Kayak Fishing Reports
09-30-2020, 08:06 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 7,811
Of course now that I've failed Outdoor Chef's...
Of course now that I've failed Outdoor Chef's Life does a video on how to do seared Bonito sashimi
Looking forward to getting another one and doing...
Forum: Kayak Fishing Reports
09-27-2020, 07:32 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 7,811
Forum: Kayak Fishing Reports
09-25-2020, 08:24 AM
Replies: 5
Views: 7,811
Cured in a soy sauce, rice vinegar, garlic and...
Cured in a soy sauce, rice vinegar, garlic and scallion marinade for a few hours and ate most as sashimi same day, which was pretty good.
Left the excess in the marinade and tried to grill on day...
Forum: Kayak Fishing Reports
09-21-2020, 04:41 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 7,811
La Jolla 9/19 AM - Bonito
Launched around 530 - swell definitely picked up versus last few trips in August. Bait came easy, but even the greenbacks were small, no bigger than the jack mackerel or sardines.
Trolled out...
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
09-01-2020, 07:28 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 5,541
Pro Island / Adventure Angler
Curious if anyone here has tried to rig a single island AMA to a PA14? Seen a few people in Florida do it on youtube.
Forum: Kayak Fishing Reports
08-31-2020, 01:08 PM
Replies: 19
Views: 14,772
Ha! I don't think I could handle a wife AND a...
Ha! I don't think I could handle a wife AND a girlfriend and still expect to have enough time to get out on the water. Maybe in retirement.
And yes, wife was happy with macs, although still...
Forum: Kayak Fishing Reports
08-31-2020, 09:49 AM
Replies: 19
Views: 14,772
Saba Sushi
I also did some mackerel sushi recently based on the Outdoor Chef's Life video ... also after coming home empty handed I think my wife was beginning to think I had a girlfriend :)
Brought home 10...
Forum: Kayak Fishing Reports
08-18-2020, 09:30 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 7,523
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
07-22-2020, 02:15 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 15,427