Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
04-11-2017, 06:54 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
Thanks for the reply... Fishing season opened...
Thanks for the reply... Fishing season opened here in NJ and I was able to talk to a couple of guys coming off a lake on Sunday. One had a RAM transducer arm with a "large" Lowrance transducer and no...
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
04-06-2017, 01:17 PM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
04-06-2017, 12:29 PM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
04-06-2017, 05:04 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
03-20-2017, 04:37 PM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
Thanks Dave! I've seen what you explained and...
Thanks Dave! I've seen what you explained and suppose a ball mount on my kayak would stay nice and tight if I went with a RAM Mount. I want to look at all options and have no problem fabricating my...
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
03-20-2017, 11:32 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
Ah - I hear ya Dave. This ought to be fun!
Ah - I hear ya Dave. This ought to be fun!
The rotation you mentioned.... How does that occur? Is the rod twisting? The RAM Mount shouldn't be slipping I imagine. Would you fill me in please?
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
03-20-2017, 11:06 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
Transducer with Bracket
Hi Ed (All),
Here's the image Ed. I didn't attach the transom mount on this because I think I'll be making a couple of bushings and getting a long SS bolt to go through the whole assembly and onto...
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
03-20-2017, 07:39 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
Will Get Mount Attached
Hi Ed...
Nope not yet. I could toss it together for another picture or two tough so maybe tonight I'll get that done.
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
03-16-2017, 11:21 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
GArmin Transducer
Thanks Ed... I'm not 100% of the FF/battery but leaning that way (portability!).
For the transducer, it's about 6" long and I need a tough mount (I imagine)...
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
03-16-2017, 07:43 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
Thanks for this post. I'm looking for what...
Thanks for this post. I'm looking for what "works" / "worked". You post told me what I wanted to hear. Portability, the transducer can be lifted out easily, and what I find I'm hearing a lot is it's...
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
03-16-2017, 06:16 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
Tetra 10
Hi Ed,
I purchased an Ocean Kayak Tetra 10 (not the angler model though) to save $$ up front and rig it my way. I picked up a Garmin 53cv and need to figure out how I'm deploying the thing. I'm...
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
03-16-2017, 04:55 AM
Replies: 31
Views: 13,812
How's it working for you?
Hi - Have you been out with it? My Garmin transducer is not to small and I'm currently looking for how I'm going to mount it. I'm looking at RAM Mounts and Railblaza's too...
Hope this works well...
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
03-15-2017, 07:07 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 6,244
New to Kayak Fishing Too...
Hi and welcome!
I'm brand new here too in the forum and to kayak fishing as of late September 2016. To learn the ropes of kayak fishing, get out on the water. Learn what works for you. Every time...
Forum: General Kayak Fishing Discussion
03-15-2017, 06:53 AM
Replies: 14
Views: 6,901
Always Reel with Left
Hi -
My first post here in Big Water's Edge! :)
Born with a deformed left hand I've always had the reel crank on the left and hold the rod with my right - this works for "me". Whether that's...