Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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finyak 05-09-2023 07:11 AM

Sabiki rod?
I have a sabiki rod I want to sell but but it hangs up occasionally in the same spot I put on size 6, is that to big? Thanks

MITCHELL 05-10-2023 04:12 AM

I had the same problem.

Originally Posted by finyak (Post 319218)
I have a sabiki rod I want to sell but but it hangs up occasionally in the same spot I put on size 6, is that to big? Thanks

I stopped using it and made my own bait rod with an aluminum 1/2in anodized rod. I bought at industrial metal supply they come blue or green.
Works bitchen I tie my own Flys and use as big of hooks that fit down the rod. I use four Flys and it's always ready to go

MITCHELL 05-10-2023 04:17 AM

The hooks get caught on the fiber glass ones
At least the one I bought.
Where they slide right though the aluminum rod
I can show you a picture of it if you want.
I love it and even took it on long range trips.

monstahfish 05-10-2023 08:13 AM

Sand the bore out with a dremel or fill the gap with epoxy if that's where they're catching. I had the same problem with mine and it's fixed now. There are also different sized ones that are better for the bigger hooks. We used to use christmas tree rigs in Boston and my original sabiki rod had no problem with those.

jorluivil 05-10-2023 11:54 AM

I use a regular rod and reel, just bend the barbs back on the sabiki hooks and you'll be fine.

MITCHELL 05-11-2023 02:27 AM

My sabiki rod was getting stuck right in the middle of the blank.

Originally Posted by monstahfish (Post 319224)
Sand the bore out with a dremel or fill the gap with epoxy if that's where they're catching. I had the same problem with mine and it's fixed now. There are also different sized ones that are better for the bigger hooks. We used to use christmas tree rigs in Boston and my original sabiki rod had no problem with those.

The tip was fine after breaking off a couple of Flys in the middle I quit using it.

MITCHELL 05-11-2023 02:42 AM

This reminds me of a time

Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 319226)
I use a regular rod and reel, just bend the barbs back on the sabiki hooks and you'll be fine.

I was wsb fishing at night in la Jolla. I got lazy and left a sabiki rig on one of my rods. Not only did I flip over I also got stuck in the heel by a sting ray and had to walk to get my truck. My kayak was a tangled wet mess, I had sand
4 rods completely tangled and a sabiki rig wrapping everything, waders full of water 💧 I grabbed 4 sandy tangled rods cut and put in truck grabbed sandy kayak and went home feeling like a wet rat .

JohnMckroidJr 05-11-2023 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by MITCHELL (Post 319228)
I was wsb fishing at night in la Jolla. I got lazy and left a sabiki rig on one of my rods. Not only did I flip over I also got stuck in the heel by a sting ray and had to walk to get my truck. My kayak was a tangled wet mess, I had sand
4 rods completely tangled and a sabiki rig wrapping everything, waders full of water 💧 I grabbed 4 sandy tangled rods cut and put in truck grabbed sandy kayak and went home feeling like a wet rat .

Dang, that was a tough night. There are different ways to look at this -- Had the sabiki rod not tangled the other rods, maybe one or more of them might have been lost.

JohnMckroidJr 05-11-2023 11:36 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My Sabiki rod has 20lb test.

One day I ran into a school of Mahi. I hooked one on my surface bait, and while I was reeling up the Downrigger bullet bonito, something ate it.

The rule with Mahi is always to keep one hooked fish in the water to keep the school around the kayak.

With both my bait rods hooked up, I had no choice but to cut the sabiki off and tie a hook onto the sabiki rod. I free-lined a live goggleye and something huge boiled on it. Minutes later the biggest Mahi I have ever hooked jumped about 25ft in the air! It was on my Sabiki rod! and now I had 3 reels with lines screaming off them! I put the sabiki rod in a rod holder and landed the first hooked mahi.

I speculated that the fish that ate the bullet Bonito was most likely a shark, so I left that rod in the holder and then worked the huge mahi on the sabiki rod.

I had em to deep color and then ..... pop.. he broke off. Maybe if I had played him a little lighter, I might have had better luck. Big Mahi have some abrasive teeth and he had chaffed off the line.

It's always handy to have a sabiki rod that can double as a backup live bait rod. Ever since that incident, I keep a spider hitch(double line) on my sabiki rod, just in case something like that ever happens again.

LOL..... I am still waiting.....

MITCHELL 05-11-2023 12:28 PM

I had leashes on everything

Originally Posted by JohnMckroidJr (Post 319230)
Dang, that was a tough night. There are different ways to look at this -- Had the sabiki rod not tangled the other rods, maybe one or more of them might have been lost.

Which added to the tangle. It took me awhile to untangle 4 rod when I got home the next morning

MITCHELL 05-11-2023 01:34 PM

62ins or 5'1" long
5 Attachment(s)
40lb mono caught alot of non mackerel dinners making bait everything loves Flys.
I like the no give in the blank easy to brake sharks off.

MITCHELL 05-11-2023 01:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ready to go small compact and casts great

Mahigeer 05-15-2023 04:54 PM

I love my 7 and 8 foot one.

Just cannot use with big hooks, or long bait rigs.

Best rod for kayas and boats. I use them at piers too.

The usual (6) hooks of the bait rig (Sabiki) always finds something to snag with the regular fishing rod.

I can take the top section off and then store it in my 4Runner without removing the bait rig.

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