Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Saba Slayer 05-24-2022 08:06 AM

Silver Lake at its best
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Silver Lake at its best…fishing is slow…2Lbs Rainbow and a couple of beautiful 12” Browns…Crawdad traps are soaking…here in paradise till the 2nd…

Mski 05-24-2022 10:35 AM

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Was up there Friday-Sunday with my brothers, nephews, and grandnephews. Wind kept us off of Crowley on Friday so we fished Convict Friday and Saturday for lots of stockers and a few holdovers. One of my nephews CPR’d this 19” brown at Grant on Sunday morning. Love that area even if fishing is slow. Hope you have a good crawdad boil.

slobound 05-24-2022 03:40 PM

Love it! Keep us salivating with more fish pics

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Saba Slayer 05-26-2022 12:27 PM

Rainbows and Crawdads
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Big fish are biting the 1/32 Black Gold Hookup Baits…the small to medium Browns have been on the Rapalla and downrigger…
Crawdad traps are soaking and waiting to sort and toss the little guys back…
Probably about 75 or so nice ones in there…
Beautiful weather but it forecast to get windy 🤙🏽

daperrin 05-26-2022 02:41 PM

Wow, looks fun. Heading up there in two weeks. How do you fish the Hookup Baits there?

Saba Slayer 05-26-2022 06:17 PM

Beautiful Browns
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Fish them like you would any other Tube type bait…either sloooow troll with some action on the rod or cast and let it drop and twitch on the retrieval :cheers1:

Saba Slayer 05-27-2022 07:46 AM

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Little guys are back in the lake and the big boys are ready for a Boil tonight. :luxhello:

The wind really picked up as forecast last night and it looks pretty windy for the next couple of days...time for some hiking and fishing Reverse and Rush Creek, which should open tomorrow from the new restrictions...:cheers1:

The resort dumped a load of Big Oregon Desert Springs hatchery fish into Silver this week...lots of 2 to 4 pounders :reel:

Saba Slayer 06-03-2022 07:41 AM

Todd and a huge Brown
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Todd with a huge Brown in front of Carson Peak…

MITCHELL 06-04-2022 08:56 AM

I got one of those too......
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Keeping it reel :D
Without posters there would be no bigwaters edge :cheers1:

Nobody 06-04-2022 09:55 AM

Glad to see fish coming out of Silver, last year was dead without them planting because of the hatchery illnesses.

Saba Slayer 06-04-2022 11:31 AM

Last Year…
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You just have to work for em…we had a bunch of biggies last summer…and our share again on this last trip…
Those big Oregon trout the Resort is stocking are delicious!
A couple of the DFW Hatcheries are experiencing health problems with their fish again so don't expect to see a lot of small to medium fish caught if you go up there this summer...

Nobody 06-07-2022 05:47 PM

I couldn't get past the phenomenal bite at Grant and the amount caught was insane. At least 30 fish each per day and the Kamloop are one of my new favorite type of trout to catch because they are insanely tough fighters.

Saba Slayer 06-07-2022 06:34 PM

Grant Creek/Lake...
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I've never seen the water this low at Grant in 40 years...you can walk to Rattlesnake Camping area...

Nobody 06-08-2022 10:49 PM

Holy shit.. That is a sad sight to see!!!

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