Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Cronus 09-03-2019 05:30 AM

CIH on 8/31
5 Attachment(s)
Well we had a small adventure to Hueneme Canyon, the fog rolled in and got quite thick. We never did find any structure or cliff type of edge. One boat came into the harbor not to far from me, was sketchy with low vis so we called it. I came back in with the paddlers while the peddlers took another rout. They were paddling at a good pace to, was over 3.5 mph. Was good to meet some new guys and at least I got to practice with my measuring board, lol - was just glad it actually made it to the measuring part of the board, :). I pulled a few poor quality photos of my gopro screen this morning. Had a good short video of us while paddling out in the fog, will get it up tonight or tomorrow.

Beer Me 09-03-2019 07:48 AM

CIH on 8/31
I was so psyched about this one too.

Then I forgot my vhf radio, and the terminal on my FF battery broke leaving me blind and to top it off, I took my Dramamine too late.

I caught bait a and a dink kelp bass to keep the skunk away. When i was losing sight of people and hearing motors, I figured I’d come back another day. We thought you were behind us on the pedal back but it was impossible to tell. Came back to fish the harbor a little bit and ran into you without the paddlers.

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JohnMckroidJr 09-03-2019 03:14 PM

Conditions like those are when a radar reflector, air horn, and AIS are a plus. Nothing eerier than launching in darkness with fog -- often makes me feel uncomfortable.

FISH11 09-03-2019 04:53 PM

At the very least use a light and flag, like a Yakattack Visipole. Or do a DIY pole and red light. When you can't even see another kayaker 25 yard away, a boater is never going to see you till it's too late. Been there in La Jolla and the boats are still going approx. 15mph or more.

Landlover 09-13-2019 02:17 PM

You guys are nuts kayaking in the fog... as long as you had fun🤙

Landlover 09-13-2019 02:19 PM

Head towards hueneme harbor and fish the edges of the canyon either side with 1oz lead head with a root beer scampi with a strip of squid��

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