Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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jruiz 07-01-2019 01:32 PM

How to make a kayak fishing video
This guy makes me want to fish. Someone give him a fishing show.


TJones 07-01-2019 02:13 PM

Is this a fresh vid? :luxhello:. Heck, I was beginning to think it was a slow year? You are still The Man. :you_rock: hope to see you on the water next year. :cheers1:

TJones 07-01-2019 02:16 PM

you and me both!

Originally Posted by jruiz (Post 301797)
This guy makes me want to fish. Someone give him a fishing show.


Normally this guy will be throwing 30's and 40's on deck before you ever knew what happened. This is a good year. F'ck, I hate my friends. Lazy b' terd's.

bolocop 07-01-2019 02:16 PM

seen him out. Catches a lot of fish.

It's been a good year...

TJones 07-01-2019 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by bolocop (Post 301801)
seen him out. Catches a lot of fish.

It's been a good year...

Not a dang scratch on my new license yet. Hooping last year was last time on water. smh. :mad:

Ed. 07-02-2019 02:35 PM

That video was from 2015. It’s been declining the past 4 years. Don’t feel bad, it’s been an extra hard struggle these past couple of years.

bolocop 07-02-2019 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Ed. (Post 301812)
That video was from 2015. It’s been declining the past 4 years. Don’t feel bad, it’s been an extra hard struggle these past couple of years.

Uh, while not like el nino years this guy has continued to release more 20-40 pounders than many have caught.

Saw him at the launch today but have no idea how he did. His most recent videos are within 3 months old.

Ed. 07-02-2019 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by bolocop (Post 301818)
Uh, while not like el nino years this guy has continued to release more 20-40 pounders than many have caught.

Saw him at the launch today but have no idea how he did. His most recent videos are within 3 months old.

Doesn’t make the video any newer :)
�� awww did you get his number? ;)

bolocop 07-03-2019 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by Ed. (Post 301819)
Doesn’t make the video any newer :)
�� awww did you get his number? ;)

Cry baby can't catch a fish because it's not El nino. "It's been slow the past 4 years...". Whaaaa!

Like the dude's videos, I have caught plenty of fish, so stop being so butt-hurt and complaining it's been slow. You're bitter and it shows.

Ed. 07-03-2019 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by bolocop (Post 301820)
Cry baby can't catch a fish because it's not El nino. "It's been slow the past 4 years...". Whaaaa!

Like the dude's videos, I have caught plenty of fish, so stop being so butt-hurt and complaining it's been slow. You're bitter and it shows.

Does that make the video any newer?
And did you get Ryans number??
You haven’t answered (:

NICKWORN 07-03-2019 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ed. (Post 301821)
Does that make the video any newer?
And did you get Ryans number??
You haven’t answered (:

LMAO, 2015 HUH, i'd say you don't have a clue what your talking about. It definitely wasn't this year but not 2015. :luxhello::luxhello::luxhello::luxhello:

summers in kuwait 07-03-2019 01:44 PM

Haha. This thread...

I remember when Ryan first started a couple years back, I think his handle was Sheephead?

Ryan spends a lot of time on the water and has caught some nice fish. I have spent some time on the water near him and we have caught some yellows together.

As far as this year versus that year, etc. Its all about time on the water. Go more, learn more and apply what you learn.


TJones 07-03-2019 02:44 PM

the dude is BA
and yes, its because he puts his time in. Time to reap the rewards. :luxhello: . Make more vids Ryan. :D

FISH11 07-03-2019 04:12 PM

Used to see Ryan there a lot last year and before, but not much recently, then I also haven't fished as much as I did. When we were fishing out there at the same time, there were many days he had caught really nice fish. Now it seems like the over abundance of bait and less nice Yellows around LJ, make it more about spending more time on the water and being in the right place at the right time. Still you can't beat the scenery even on a skunk day.

Ed. 07-03-2019 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by NICKWORN (Post 301828)
LMAO, 2015 HUH, i'd say you don't have a clue what your talking about. It definitely wasn't this year but not 2015. :luxhello::luxhello::luxhello::luxhello:

Maybe I don’t.
Why don’t you ask him bud (: lmao

jruiz 07-04-2019 03:29 AM

The title of this thread should have been "how to highjack a thread."

My intent was to point out how unedited his video was. Most kayak fishing videos show kayak fishing in such a surreal environment. It was just raw and the whole time he was doing a WWE wrestler voice. My favorite was "homeguards baby, 30 40 pounders." Ok, you can get back to arguing what year that was.

Ed. 07-05-2019 11:00 AM

I completely agree with you. Ryan makes great videos, and is an amazing angler.
He really does demonstrate what kayak fishing really is. My hat is off to him.
And to you for that matter. Thanks for posting his video!
It’s just that Ryan clearly states that the video was captured in 2015. Not that it matters what year it was... it’s an amazing video!
The condescending, know-it-all’s try to put other people down, due to their own insecurities, while making completely false, inflammatory accusations and assumptions, just to get arise from people. Either way, great job on the video Ryan, hope to see you soon again. And thank you for putting other people onto his videos ��

Beer Me 07-05-2019 04:04 PM

I enjoyed the video for what is it was, raw and barely edited if at all, which was the point of the thread. To see a how someone handles a double hook up of yellowfin 30/40+ lbs was awesome. When he placed the pole between the crook of his leg for leverage on one pole while bringing the other one in was good to see for a greenhorn like me. Landed them, held them for a photo then released them. Stud.

When it was filmed, I don’t care, it was awesome regardless. I don’t see what some of you gain by getting into a thread to do nothing but to instigate trouble, puffing your chest, and spouting nothing but grovel. Personally, I’m the same person behind the keyboard that’s talking to you in person if we meet up and fish together, are you?

Thanks OP for the thread.

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YakDout 07-06-2019 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Beer Me (Post 301848)
I enjoyed the video for what is it was, raw and barely edited if at all, which was the point of the thread. To see a how someone handles a double hook up of yellowfin 30/40+ lbs was awesome. When he placed the pole between the crook of his leg for leverage on one pole while bringing the other one in was good to see for a greenhorn like me. Landed them, held them for a photo then released them. Stud.

When it was filmed, I don’t care, it was awesome regardless. I don’t see what some of you gain by getting into a thread to do nothing but to instigate trouble, puffing your chest, and spouting nothing but grovel. Personally, I’m the same person behind the keyboard that’s talking to you in person if we meet up and fish together, are you?

Thanks OP for the thread.

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He wishes those were yellowfin.

Beer Me 07-06-2019 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by YakDout (Post 301850)
He wishes those were yellowfin.

Dang it

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