Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Semper Fi-shing 09-15-2018 07:30 PM

Worst La Jolla report ever. 9.15.18
1 Attachment(s)

What can I say, I'm still a little shocked.

The morning started out as any other with the exception of big breakers and swells.
Parked next to the same guy I see there almost every saturday.......skinny guy with an older beige or white Toyota pickup truck, green outback.

Me, green outback, and another guy whom I just met started our launch together at a little past 6am. Green outback powered thru the waves, no problem. I hopped onto my yak but was 3 or 4 minutes behind the green outback, getting pounded and thrown off my yak on the beach after my mirage drive bottomed on the sand and left me motionless.

Finally made it out to the vicinity of the green outback, which I saw briefly in the corner of my eyes. I didnt see the yakker on his yak, however, before I realized that something was wrong.

20 feet from his yak, I saw something floating in the water. As I pedaled closer, I realized it was the yakker's life jacket. I went into panic mode and rushed over to pick up the jacket, only to realize that the yakker was still in it, face in the water, hands dangling and motionless.

I yelled as loud as I could "911, man overboard" over towards the beach but with the waves breaking so loudly, I couldnt tell if anyone along the beach heard me. I kept yelling as loudly as I could over and over.

The other yakker whom I just met earlier came up to me and helped me get his lifeless body onto my yak. I ripped the unconscious yakkers' eyeglass strap inadvertently and almost flipped in the process.

We finally got his body onto my yak and another yakker met up with us and called 911.

The yakker started to foam heavily at the mouth and his fingers were already turning dark purple.Lifeguards responded immediately and got his body onto their surfboard within 10 of call and paddled him back to shore where emt performed emergency procedures to shock him and try to revive him

The yakker must have been unconscious for a good 30 minutes before they finally took him to the hospital.

All of us yakkers were wading in the water afterwards trying to find the daiwa lexa 300 reel and yellow rod that was lost when the yakker who was towing the victims green outback coming in flipped.

After 30 minutes of wading around in the water, something bumped my thigh. I picked it up......it was the victims glasses. I dont know what to think of that.

BTW if someone finds the rod and reel, please let me know so I can return it to its rightful owner and also any updates on the status of the green yakker.

My biggest regret is that all the time I see this person, I just mainly went about my own business, didnt talk to him much, and never even asked his name.

In the future, I will never launch and kayak fish alone ever again like I normally do.
And as a note, just because u make it thru the surf doesnt mean everything is clear.

I still cant comprehend how he ended up in the water. Only to speculate that he somehow fell off his yak, hit his head on his yak, and knocked himself unconscious. Or maybe had a seizure.

I thank all the yakkers that helped me thru this ordeal and hope no one has to go thru the same thing I went thru today.


I will be at La Jolla this saturday to try and help Dave's family thru the healing process and I welcome the community to join us.

Ggiannig89 09-15-2018 08:49 PM

Wow. I’m speechless. Sorry you had to go through this. Definitely makes me a little uncomfortable. Thoughts and prayers to the the guy and his family through this ordeal.

jbl_91762 09-15-2018 09:05 PM

Oh my! Its never easy to witness a life threatening situation, but you potentially saved the mans life and you should have no ill feelings or regrets about anything! Not everyone we come across is the friendly type many times its a simple head nod now a days for a hello. Dont let this discourage you from going out alone, however maybe we ALL should start wearing our life vests. I am guilty of kayaking my local waters without mine (its strapped down in the bungee) but I feel I am a strong swimmer and in well above average shape, however, you never know right?! What story Marine and know that you did all you could. Hope the other yak gent finds his Lexa. and yes that definetly is the worst lajolla report. I pray the guy pulls through, so sad.

tennesseestud 09-15-2018 09:08 PM

Way to do what you could. It sounds like you did the best and acted fast in a bad situation. I'll be thinking of him and his family and trying to remember each day is a gift.

bolocop 09-15-2018 09:11 PM

JBL...OP states the victim was wearing his life vest. Life vests provide buoyancy but not necessarily makes you float face up?

steveooo 09-15-2018 10:02 PM

Woah, thats heavy. I cant imagine. I pray you get the peace you deserve in this situation. Also pray for our fellow yakker, that he ends up ok.

yakety-yak 09-15-2018 10:28 PM

Likely over-exerted himself on his power-launch...outbacks aren't exactly performance models. Good lookin'-out...sounds like you might've gotten to him in time. Oh, and anyone who needs proof paddle vests don't offer all the righteous protection of a full-y blown PFD, here you go.

Orca Winfrey 09-15-2018 10:54 PM

Holy crap! You are a hero. Hope the guy lives.

Gigafish 09-15-2018 10:57 PM

Wow, tough spot to be in. Hope you are ok and the guy you saved.

bubbacee7 09-16-2018 05:42 AM

Tough morning. Great response. Great community response. Buddy fish and have ALL YOUR SAFETY GEAR.

ProfessorLongArms 09-16-2018 10:25 AM

Glad you were there to help out.
I find these a valuable reminder of how dangerous our playground can be and I appreciate you sharing. I hope he pulls through ok.

skrilla 09-16-2018 12:53 PM

Glad to share the waters with people like yourselves. You guys did what you could without hesitation. Props for gathering his belongings as well. And afterwards you rethought how you could have done better. Hell of a characteristic to have my man. Hope dude pulls through. Big reality check for all.

Semper Fi-shing 09-16-2018 03:15 PM

We tried so hard to paddle him back to shore with the yakker on my lap but with his head and feet dangling in the water, even with help from multiple yakkers, we were not able to steer and get forward momentum towards the shore before lifeguards showed up.
So I sat in my yak frantic, holding up his head out of water with one hand and his shorts with the other so I wouldnt lose him back into the water or tip over.

I had one foot on another yakkers yak for extra stability, during which I looked into the yakkers eyes, wide open , and foaming at the mouth. I didnt notice any bruising on his head or cuts on his body.

In retrospect, I dont know if trying to get him back to shore would have been a smart idea, even if I could. With the waves break so hard, the yakker might have been tossed like a rag doll in the surf and broken his neck.

I talked to some bystanders on the beach that said they saw the guy off his yak before I reached him and they knew something was wrong. They yelled back at three people in the balconies behind the sidewalk to call 911 and they didnt do anything.

It definately will not be the same next time If I pull up to the beach to launch and dont see the same old beige toyota pickup.

Raskal311 09-16-2018 03:15 PM

Speechless.... and thank goodness you found him in time.

Semper Fi-shing 09-16-2018 03:31 PM

I dont know if I found him in time, but I truly hope so, as I dont know of his current condition

ProfessorLongArms 09-16-2018 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Semper Fi-shing (Post 297025)
I dont know if I found him in time, but I truly hope so, as I dont know of his current condition

FYI there’s a thread in general... Andy said he’s stable but unconscious

Semper Fi-shing 09-16-2018 03:56 PM

Thanks. That's what I been hearing from a friend of yakkers friend

kurt 09-16-2018 05:08 PM

That's a tough morning. You did all you could. Getting him out of the water gave him the chance to live, and you and the others who did that, can't be commended enough. It's not easy to pull someone onto a kayak like that. We can only hope he fully recovers and can get back on the kayak, doing the sport we love. And this is a great reminder to wear your PFD. Accidents don't call and schedule themselves.

Semper Fi-shing 09-16-2018 06:10 PM

Watch "Kayaker found face down in ocean" on YouTube

Glad to hear he has a pulse

GTboosted 09-16-2018 09:19 PM

The stars aligned.

You texted me on Wednesday to go out locally but I couldn't due certain circumstances.

Then you went out to LJ and possibly saved a life!

If this doesnt get anyone to wear a pfd I dont know what will.

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