Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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jorluivil 08-21-2018 02:17 PM

Why It Pays To Be A Conservative
4 Attachment(s)
• Launched around 6am
• Made several pieces of bait by 0730
• Fished for one small halibut, probably 10lbs or so, the little critter was released
• Arrived back at the launch around noon
• Loaded up my kayak
• Loaded up my gear
• Drove down the street to Jersey Mikes and had lunch with Tony and
o Since Roby is a school teacher and makes like a Bazillion dollars a
year we made him pay for all of our food
• As I was leaving Jersey Mike’s I noticed Tony and Roby were standing
outside the restaurant chatting, turns out they were arguing about
which one of them was the cute one
• Made a left at the exit from the plaza onto PCH
• Made a right at 190th
• Headed up the hill
• Headed down the hill
• Drove about 3 miles east on 190th, shortly after I passed Hawthorne Blvd I noticed a dark object in my rear view mirror
• As I approach the red light on Prairie I noticed the car on my left was flagging me down.
o Does she want my name and number?
o Does she want to know if I have any Grey Poupon?
o Is she going to tell me she saved a ton of money by switching to
• Nope, all she said was, “you just lost one of your fishing rods” (Enter screeching sound here)
• I cut through traffic and immediately called Tony to see where he was at, at the same time Roby had just passed me and was calling me on the other line.
o Do I answer Roby?
 Do I keep talking to Tony
• Decisions
o Decisions
• I decide to answer Roby and…….
o Roby: Did you just lose a fishing rod?
o Me: Why yes, I did. Why do you ask?
o Roby: I picked it up

The moral of the story……………………being a conservative driver rewarded me. When I left Jersey Mikes both Roby and Tony weren’t even in their trucks yet but someway, somehow they managed to catch up to me and it was because of my slow driving and their speeding that I learned a lesson

Always double check your gear and vehicle before you drive away. Ironically, it was that same morning that I had to return to my house because I forgot to load my mirage drive and paddle………………….GOOD TIMES!!

DanaPT 08-21-2018 02:24 PM

coulda been much worse... some distracted texting driver coulda run over that set up and game over.

So you caught a little more that a 10lb hali that you released. You caught a major break too!

Driving like an old lady pays off! (no offense to any old ladies, but you know what I mean).

ful-rac 08-21-2018 03:51 PM

You ever find that paddle you lost off the back of your truck?

tacmik 08-21-2018 04:06 PM

If you weren't so old. You would remember to check your gear.

FISH11 08-21-2018 06:04 PM

Jorge don't admit that your rod fell off the truck. Just say those battle scars on the rod and reel are from the last 40lb Hali you caught and it just went wild when you got him out of the water. Sounds believable! Hey you just had to put it in the way to save your family jewels.

rickchester 08-22-2018 04:07 AM

I am really glad to have chosen to be a part of this pleasant community. Thanks for creating intriguing threads, guys!

dpricenator 08-22-2018 06:14 AM

LOL, good read, thanks.

I recently lent my buddy my 2 party boat deck hand rods with reels, because his team at work was going to do an over night boat trip out of H&M Landing. He emailed me on Monday saying they caught a few fish, but that he thinks he may have bought my rods. UGH, "What Happened" I asked. They both came out of the back of the truck, he said he saw one land tip down and the spring in the the air, then crashing down on the street. So once I got them back on my hands, My reels (not the expensive ones) had some scars lke yours, but the Guides on my rods were thrashed. I dropped them off at Hogan's Bait in Dana Point, and spend $120 to replace most of the eyes on both rods and the butt on one of them.

Moral of the story? Don't lend your fishing gear out. And double check everything is tied down.

farmer 08-22-2018 07:12 AM

That's why I always tie my bike down used to have people honking at me.

Moral of the story

Chit happens and you still survived Good story

alanw 08-22-2018 07:38 AM

I keep my leashes attached during transport. If I drop one off the back I'll probably end up with miles worth of road rash

RookieYakker 08-22-2018 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 296253)
Does she want my name and number?

Did you get hers? Maybe next time you can keep an eye on her 6?

roby 08-22-2018 07:53 PM

I liked it when your reports were less detailed.

TJones 08-23-2018 04:05 AM

I wouldn’t loose sleep
Over it. It’s only an Avet. :banghead:

JohnMckroidJr 08-24-2018 08:16 AM

It happens, learn from the lessons.:reel:

Cronus 08-24-2018 01:46 PM

Thought we were getting political from the title, glad we are keeping it fishing:luxhello:

smokie 08-27-2018 03:52 PM

Great write up and glad it had a happy ending!

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