Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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-   -   Mission Bay Classic Raffle tickets (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=32655)

Iceman 03-15-2018 10:53 AM

Mission Bay Classic Raffle tickets
Please only use this if you want to buy raffle tickets but are unable to attend. There is a Paypal fee, so buying them on the day with cash means more money going directly to our So Cal Chapter of Heroes on the Water.

There is a drop down menu with options from $10-$50. No more, no less for people not in attendance on the day of the tournament.

Cut off is 5:30 PM , I will be taking down the link.

Brian Yoon
Fransisco Gonzalaz
Denis Brailovkly
Jon McArthur
MJ Tinling
Charles Wittenberg
Robert Abad
Ross Zoerhof
Richard Reeves
Eric Dixon
Lee Adams
Alex Ngo
Christoph Efstathiou
Mark Kaniewski
Gary Fong
John Ruiz
Daniel Zarate
Mathew Thayer
Jorge Villegas
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_top">
<input name="cmd" value="_s-xclick" type="hidden">
<input name="hosted_button_id" value="DCPD82NRYR8KG" type="hidden">


Iceman 03-15-2018 02:22 PM

Somebody is gonna win the JK Kraken 13.5 in the raffle.


rossman 04-07-2018 03:51 AM


Iceman 04-07-2018 08:55 AM

only $60 sold so far, again only use this if you are not able to attend. Cash the day of puts more money right into the hands of HOW without the Paypal fees taken out.

Methman 04-07-2018 11:48 PM

So $10 per raffle ticket?

Iceman 04-08-2018 08:28 AM

No there is a $10 minimum online which is 10 $1 tickets.

Tekniks 04-08-2018 02:57 PM

Just purchased my set! Hopefully get something good!!

Methman 04-08-2018 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Iceman (Post 291915)
No there is a $10 minimum online which is 10 $1 tickets.

Ok great thank you!

socal.beach.bum 04-09-2018 09:51 AM

Can’t make the tournament but just made my contribution. Good luck to everyone and be safe.

45user 04-09-2018 08:37 PM

I can’t make it. Bought some raffle tickets
Good luck everyone and be safe!

Iceman 04-10-2018 08:57 AM

look for the list of raffle ticket holders in this thread, not putting the amount, but want those who paid to know I have em! Winning tickets will be posted here too.:D

FoodGeekFish 04-10-2018 09:25 AM

tickets acquired!

Denis_Ruso 04-10-2018 09:35 AM

Didn't see this before glad it got bumped. I'm in for some. Paid.

LEEZO 04-11-2018 08:47 PM

just bought a bunch, have to work. cheers!

Mski 04-13-2018 07:54 AM

Was hoping I would make it but not going to happen so at least got my raffle tickets. Good luck to all and thanks Andy for all your work on the event.

fongman 04-13-2018 08:19 AM

Take My Money!
A hernia (ouch!) is keeping me from participating in the Classic, but I was going to attend the raffle. That is, until an unexpected Celebration of Life took precedence. Now I can attend in spirit and maybe win a prize, too!

mattamatta 04-13-2018 09:55 AM

Yeah, raffle tickets! Just bought mine.

jruiz 04-13-2018 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Iceman (Post 291123)
Please only use this if you want to buy raffle tickets but are unable to attend. There is a Paypal fee, so buying them on the day with cash means more money going directly to our So Cal Chapter of Heroes on the Water.

There is a drop down menu with options from $10-$50. No more, no less for people not in attendance on the day of the tournament.

Brian Yoon
Fransisco Gonzalaz
Denis Brailovkly
Jon McArthur
MJ Tinling
Charles Wittenberg
Robert Abad
Ross Zoerhof
Richard Reeves
Eric Dixon
Lee Adams
Alex Ngo
Christoph Efstathiou
Mark Kaniewski
Gary Fong


You should of gotten a paypal payment for me on April 8th for raffle tickets.

John Ruiz

Iceman 04-13-2018 10:21 AM

Got it John, in the chaos I have added some names to the entry list, will move yours to the right list.

cris 04-13-2018 10:42 AM

Thanks for setting this up Andy, glad to have a way to contribute without being there.

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