Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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makobob 09-01-2017 10:31 AM

Makobob now has a website for what I hope will be ALL things Baja. Just starting out, less then two weeks old and I spent one of those weeks in Gonzaga. I will blog about Baja, Church of Mako-ville, fishing Baja, directions to our place, Flora, fauna of the area, weather patterns, fish to be caught. Solo skiffs, fishing tackle, fly fishing Baja and best of all you guys can submit articles on Baja, your baja trips. I will also post future trips and past trips, just everything baja and best of all for me is that I can post PICTURES. It will take time as I learn and build the web site information, there will be links to OEX, and Fishermans Belly for recipies too, and other related sites.

You are invited to help compile articles and you will be given credit for what you submit. The site will be mostly informational. Any monies made from the site will be used for our Gonzaga Camp. Which means YOU should no longer have to pay for water while in camp, eventually I hope to also furnish most of the supplies for camp including maintence, upkeep and gas to run the Quad and Gregor skiff. Maybe enought to pay the anual lease. If I can make our place SELF Supporting it will be avail to you guys for years without anyone having to fund it. At least those are the goals of setting up......mako-ville.com............Let me know what you think, post here, yes give me your input. Or e mail me at r.moore760@gmail.com

Visit mako-ville.com and let me know what YOU think, I can always use your input. THank you Andy and Brent for your permission to post this informaton.

CON KSO 09-01-2017 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by makobob (Post 285340)
Makobob now has a website for what I hope will be ALL things Baja. Just starting out, less then two weeks old and I spent one of those weeks in Gonzaga. I will blog about Baja, Church of Mako-ville, fishing Baja, directions to our place, Flora, fauna of the area, weather patterns, fish to be caught. Solo skiffs, fishing tackle, fly fishing Baja and best of all you guys can submit articles on Baja, your baja trips. I will also post future trips and past trips, just everything baja and best of all for me is that I can post PICTURES. It will take time as I learn and build the web site information, there will be links to OEX, and Fishermans Belly for recipies too, and other related sites.

You are invited to help compile articles and you will be given credit for what you submit. The site will be mostly informational. Any monies made from the site will be used for our Gonzaga Camp. Which means YOU should no longer have to pay for water while in camp, eventually I hope to also furnish most of the supplies for camp incluing maintence, upkeep and gas to run the Quad and Gregor skiff. Maybe enought to pay the anual lease. If I can make our place SELF Supporting it will be avail to you guys for years without anyone having to fund it. At least those are the goals of setting up......mako-ville.com............Let me know what you think, post here, yes give me your input. Or e mail me at r.moore760@gmail.com

Visit mako-ville.com and let me know what YOU thing, I can always use your input. THank you Andy and Brent for your permission to post this informaton.

Sounds cool! I will contribute to you site. I hope you can make it easy to upload photos - I tend to contribute more to sites that allow you to drag and drop photos off the desktop right onto the site.

makobob 09-01-2017 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by CON KSO (Post 285342)
Sounds cool! I will contribute to you site. I hope you can make it easy to upload photos - I tend to contribute more to sites that allow you to drag and drop photos off the desktop right onto the site.

Me, heck I dont know, but we will work it out the site is set up with wordpress and it works for me, just have to figure out how it will work for others. Thanks ( with cheese ), and Tight Lines amigo.

Ojos_raros 09-01-2017 01:12 PM


makobob 09-01-2017 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Ojos_raros (Post 285347)

I do NOT dwell on the past, I do DREAM of the future, and then I make it HAPPEN. -Makobob

YOU too can make the journey to........ mako-ville.com
and YOU too can make it happen. It is after all a state of mind.

Denis_Ruso 09-01-2017 02:36 PM

Best website for weather forecasts? It seems that they all have different outlooks.

domtesta27 09-01-2017 03:06 PM

Awesome Roberto!!! excited to contribute to the site this year. We'll have to take a bunch more pictures and video of the October trip so we can post detailed trip reports, Maybe even some fly tying videos/step-by-steps of some of the Baja flies we use!

As always thank you so much for your continual efforts to bring anglers together and help make peoples dreams come true. We couldn't have asked for a better steward for our community :you_rock:

makobob 09-01-2017 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Denis_Ruso (Post 285353)
Best website for weather forecasts? It seems that they all have different outlooks.

This is a slow process and to answer you question, WEATHERUNDERGROUND was the best BUT are no longer available so now I type in to the browser "weather San Felipe Baja Mexico" and extrapolate the 10 day window, works ok for summer and fall but not for windy winter and spring weather. SO I hope to put in a weather station at our place in Gonzaga and run it live on mako-ville.com it would give us access to the weather there in real time. Dreams happen if you work on them and this is a pretty high priority for now, So early spring I hope to have it up and running.

For now take 3-4 weather sites for Gonzaga and San Felipe and just average them all out. Gonzaga is normally 5 degrees COOLER then San Felipe and our winds are slightly lower too. Hope this helps. Tight Lines amigo.

Mahigeer 09-01-2017 04:55 PM

Looks good.

How do we donate to the site?

makobob 09-01-2017 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mahigeer (Post 285360)
Looks good.

How do we donate to the site?

Not really looking for donations, but MIGHT affiliate with Amazon. If I do you would press their link on my site, it would take you to Amazon and if you shop there that then my site would get a small percentage of your sale just for that day. Next time you woud have to again go thru mako-ville again and press on the Amazon buton again. Every time someone went from my site to Amazon and shopped it would pay.
Not sure If I want t do that but it would cut the costs of our place at mako-ville. Then when I am gone the guys keeping our place up would not have to foot the whole cost of our lease, water, maintence and upkeep. And mako-ville would still be open for your use, water and fuel for the quad, Gregor could then cost you my friends NOTHING. What do you guys think of that idea? Would you go thuru my site when you needed something on Amazon? let me know your thoughts, thanks.

CON KSO 09-01-2017 08:16 PM

I like the affiliate idea- I'd make an effort to go through your site MB.

makobob 09-02-2017 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by domtesta27 (Post 285354)
Awesome Roberto!!! excited to contribute to the site this year. We'll have to take a bunch more pictures and video of the October trip so we can post detailed trip reports, Maybe even some fly tying videos/step-by-steps of some of the Baja flies we use!

As always thank you so much for your continual efforts to bring anglers together and help make peoples dreams come true. We couldn't have asked for a better steward for our community :you_rock:

Pictures and video would be good, I do have a Phantom 4 Quadcopter, but need a pilot to get me up to speed specially using the camera. The mako-ville.com web site would be a great place to put up DETAILED reports of our Baja trips. Still figuring that out, maybe someone who uses WordPress could tutor me? Tight Lines amgos.

fishnstix 09-02-2017 11:31 AM

excellent...very cool idea and looking forward to supporting the site...anyway to install a live cam like at la jolla shores to show real time footage of weather and beach

makobob 09-02-2017 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by fishnstix (Post 285393)
excellent...very cool idea and looking forward to supporting the site...anyway to install a live cam like at la jolla shores to show real time footage of weather and beach

I am sure there is, however I would not know how to do it, but I bet someone here might. Camera showing current weather info and pointed toward the Island would cover BOTH bases. GREAT idea sir, thanks.

makobob 09-02-2017 09:27 PM

POSTING on mako-ville.com
Ladies and gentlemen can now post YOUR fishing Baja related stories and articles on mako-ville.com please remember this is an informational blog site, not social media. Go to mako-ville.com and on the right side as you scroll down you will find META and a register button, after you register you need to create your log in. You should then be able to post/contribute to mako-ville. YOU can create articles about your Baja trips with pictures and video, or other Baja related items. Thank you all for your support. Tight Lines amigos. And please SUBSCRIBE

Gr8fuldude 09-03-2017 02:02 PM

And please SUBSCRIBE

Done! :cheers1:

Norcalcaster 09-04-2017 10:33 AM

New member of BWE. Tried to register on new Mako-ville site, but site flagged my attempt as a "possible bot". Did subscribe successfully, however. Have not fished Baja in many years, but now retired and ready to start going again. Last time I fished Gonzaga area was in 1988. Camped for 5 days on Isla Willard and caught many large groupers and Pargo. The Mako-ville property seems perfect for my re-intro to Baja! (Too old and too smart to camp on remote islands anymore) considering joining one of Makobobs trips or renting his new place in November for a "Baja Reunion" trip with my Nor Cal buds.

makobob 09-04-2017 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by Gr8fuldude (Post 285460)
And please SUBSCRIBE

Done! :cheers1:

THANK YOU guys, 7 subcribers and 280 visits to the site. Make it YOUR own, post an article, leaving tonight see you all in a week to 10 days, Tight Lines amigos.

Norcalcaster 09-04-2017 02:22 PM

Sorry! In my first post I had a brain fart. Camped on Isla San Luis NW side for 5 days.

makobob 09-04-2017 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Norcalcaster (Post 285495)
Sorry! In my first post I had a brain fart. Camped on Isla San Luis NW side for 5 days.

Welcome to mako-ville I leave tonight for a week to check out storm damage, fish the island, and spend time with friends. Hope to sea you in November, Tight Lines amigo.

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