Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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DESTROYER 06-22-2017 09:04 AM

Bait at the Pier
Just wondering if anyone know if there has been bait at Scripps Pier?

ratdog 06-22-2017 01:07 PM

Not sure about at the pier, but there was lots of bait outside the reserve and just about everywhere else this morning.

DESTROYER 06-22-2017 02:37 PM

Thank you.

tacmik 06-22-2017 02:39 PM

What! Is the Destroyer coming back to yak fishing. If so. What a glorious day it is. Time to get out of that stink pot and do some real fishing.

DESTROYER 06-22-2017 05:11 PM

Not going to find me in a kayak. Just thought some of my old brothers could help me out. We are fishing the YT Shootout and was hoping that bait could still be made at the pier. It's been so long that I don't even know if there is a light on the pier anymore:D

tacmik 06-23-2017 02:47 AM

Best of luck to ya.

Mr. NiceGuy 06-23-2017 01:44 PM

Bait seems to be plentiful everywhere lately.

I launched from Shelter Island at 5am this morning. Had 10 mackerel in my bait tank before I got to the bait barge.

Saved the $20 in the secret pocket of my fishing hat for another day ;)

DESTROYER 06-23-2017 02:19 PM

That's awesome! Making bait isn't the problem, it's making bait in the dark before the sun comes up that's the problem.

tacmik 06-23-2017 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by DESTROYER (Post 281722)
That's awesome! Making bait isn't the problem, it's making bait in the dark before the sun comes up that's the problem.

Think. Think back to when you use to paddle. It will come back to you. You will remember how it was once done little grasshopper.

YakDout 06-23-2017 05:31 PM

Tip the hooks with squid, troll the sabiki. Meter around. Come on now. Destroy some bait, Destroyer.

Mr. NiceGuy 06-23-2017 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by DESTROYER (Post 281722)
That's awesome! Making bait isn't the problem, it's making bait in the dark before the sun comes up that's the problem.

Just do it. Report back.

Why Scripps Pier? I'm curious. Seems night fishing would be better in other directions?

I went there during the last grunion run to fish off Blacks Beach. There was bait on my way there past the pier. Enough not to have to linger. Doesn't mean there will be tomorrow. If I'm organized, I prefer first light so I can see what I'm doing. Looking for halibut near the breakers in the dark appeals to me even less.

Ergo, disregard :)

PS: Grunion are scheduled to run again starting tomorrow night, Saturday 24th, for 4 nights. Luckycraft 110 on a Carolina rig might pass for a grunion, right?
If that's what you're thinking, it might be worth taking as a backup.

Mahigeer 06-23-2017 09:44 PM

I think you can only fish the north side of the pier from kayak or boat.

I caught a lot of mackerel last week, at the San Clemente pier.

I even saw today mackerel in Santa Barbra.

Thus, I think, there should be mackerel most of the coast to Southern California.

FullFlavorPike 06-24-2017 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by Mr. NiceGuy (Post 281720)
Bait seems to be plentiful everywhere lately.

I launched from Shelter Island at 5am this morning. Had 10 mackerel in my bait tank before I got to the bait barge.

Saved the $20 in the secret pocket of my fishing hat for another day ;)

Any tips on making green mackerel in the bay?

mbsurf 06-26-2017 02:33 PM

I'm sure macs will hit a sabiki in the Bay as usual. Strangely I caught one in the Bay last night on an LC110...

Mr. NiceGuy 06-26-2017 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by FullFlavorPike (Post 281750)
Any tips on making green mackerel in the bay?

For me, making bait in the bay is more random and not predictable. I'm always dragging a sabiki on a small iron behind me as I go to wherever I'm going. I was not really expecting to get hit, but we never know. I was simply on my way to the bait barge.

On that particular morning they were abundant just after first light in the triangle outside the buoy and entrance to Shelter Island Yacht Basin. I launched from the Shelter Island beach next to the boat ramp and was on my way over to the bait barge to get a scoop of anchovies. I went through a few schools or maybe a single larger school of mackerels that seemed to be lingering out from the buoy. They were pretty thick. I U-turned and passed through two more times, and I had all the bait I wanted.

For me, it's unpredictable dumb luck. I find that chances are better if I always keep a hook in the water. The little blue & white iron at the end of my sabiki as a weight has also picked up jacksmelt and corvina. Also random. I'm the kind of guy who has more questions than answers.

If bait is around, it's usually easy to catch. If it's a few random fish, then maybe we can improve our chances with small slivers of squid on the sabiki hooks. I carry Butt Juice with me when I carry squid as a backup, and it seems to add to the luck.


2 oz bottles were available at Seaforth Landing, last time I looked.

FullFlavorPike 06-26-2017 06:53 PM

good tips. thanks. i am just getting into fishing in the bay and it's a different beast than LJ, for sure

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