Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Mattyice 04-01-2017 11:18 AM

breaking the surf
I just upgraded to a PA 14 but Im getting my ass beat trying to get through the surf and its always sketchy coming back in. Ive been walking it out waist deep them hoping in and dropping the rudder and peddle drive, lets just say its a battle to try to break though the surf. And coming back in I wait as long as possible to pull up the rudder and pedal drive then hop out to catch it before I flip. Wondering if there are some techniques Im missing out on


Caseym 04-01-2017 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Mattyice (Post 277622)
I just upgraded to a PA 14 but Im getting my ass beat trying to get through the surf and its always sketchy coming back in. Ive been walking it out waist deep them hoping in and dropping the rudder and peddle drive, lets just say its a battle to try to break though the surf. And coming back in I wait as long as possible to pull up the rudder and pedal drive then hop out to catch it before I flip. Wondering if there are some techniques Im missing out on


One thing I'll add, once you catch the wave and its pushing you in, just remember its probably going to turn you one way or another. I always had my paddle out and used it for balance and steering, but when your yak finally turns, dont fight it, just lean INTO the whitewash and youll just slide/skip along without catching an edge, high siding or flipping. Just my 2 cents.

TJones 04-01-2017 02:30 PM

One day I took my pa out
And just played around with it in surf . Surf was big for lj that day. It was a blast . You'll be surprised at what it's capable of doing . I was paddling it the whole time . Rudder up . If you are coining in backwards and you keep it straight , you can survive a lot. Keep seat low.

TJones 04-01-2017 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Caseym (Post 277624)
One thing I'll add, once you catch the wave and its pushing you in, just remember its probably going to turn you one way or another. I always had my paddle out and used it for balance and steering, but when your yak finally turns, dont fight it, just lean INTO the whitewash and youll just slide/skip along without catching an edge, high siding or flipping. Just my 2 cents.

Brace with paddle

jorluivil 04-01-2017 03:04 PM

1. secure all gear
2. ensure all gear is secured
3. say three hail mary's
4. change from wet clothes to dry clothes at landing

that's we I do it

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/d1ewYcUILQU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Saba Slayer 04-01-2017 03:17 PM

YEA...telling it like it is...!

FISH11 04-01-2017 03:28 PM


kirkdavis 04-01-2017 03:35 PM

Just when you think you're safely on land.....
WHAM! Those are very good reminders to not let your guard down until you are completely out of the water. Great Video!!!

TAngler 04-01-2017 03:38 PM

AWESOME video......well, the waves were nice and small today and despite this I still took a spill/roll on landing. I had the worst timing I have ever seen and was surfing in.
Thanks to info from guys here my rods were flat down and lashed to deck and I only lost a pair of pliers and scissors (about $10). The rest of my gear was fine. My ego.....well......not so much.

Deamon 04-01-2017 03:43 PM

I have a PA 14 and I'm a small dude with nothing arms, lol. I've busted through my share of sketch days.

Here's what I do:
As soon as I get to the beach, I'm keeping an eye on the surf. Are there sets with predictable lulls? Is there, for whatever reason, an area that seems to have smaller breaking waves? Def look at the old launch area, if at LJ Shores. By all means, move to it and try your best to time a lull.

I'm one of those paddle only, leave the peddles strapped inside guys. I also get in the yak at knee deep water, keeping the yak always pointed straight out but remaining in the foam. I'll then go hard hoping to time the lull but once I commit...balls to the wall GO. Remember, the kill zone is not a big area. If the yak is straight and you've got movement, you can take one, two or three right to the chest and make it no prob. KEEP THE YAK POINTED INTO THE WAVES AND PADDLE LIKE YOU MEAN IT! Get out of the zone.
I see a bunch of guys go at waist or chest deep with success so watch others and find your game.

I have a disclaimer...this is for a normal beach like LJ. All bets are off on beach breaks, lol. Hope this helps! Jim

Mattyice 04-01-2017 08:32 PM

BALLS TO THE WALL haha, Yea Im launching out of the shores. Thanks for the pointers!

Mattyice 04-01-2017 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by TJones (Post 277625)
And just played around with it in surf . Surf was big for lj that day. It was a blast . You'll be surprised at what it's capable of doing . I was paddling it the whole time . Rudder up . If you are coining in backwards and you keep it straight , you can survive a lot. Keep seat low.

Sounds good, I just need to spend a morning playing in the surf and really see what this thing can do

MITCHELL 04-01-2017 10:45 PM

It's only a yard sale when you part.........
With stuff.........;)

YakDout 04-01-2017 11:12 PM

The problem I had with my PA once or twice in the surf zone was the drainage wasnt fast enough. Id go out in close period swell and get pounded and never rolled but would come extremely close to it due to my entire deck being swamped with water and not draining fast enough. Doesnt matter how fast you try to get through sometimes mother nature has its way. I must say though, knock on wood still have never rolled it in the surf. Offshore it happened once.

fishnfoool 04-02-2017 12:09 AM

I don't own a PA, but I highly recommend going in backwards. When going out, paddle like you are trying to get away from a great white.

MITCHELL 04-02-2017 12:27 AM

Every kayak I have owned has filed up with water going through the surf....

Originally Posted by YakDout (Post 277660)
The problem I had with my PA once or twice in the surf zone was the drainage wasnt fast enough. Id go out in close period swell and get pounded and never rolled but would come extremely close to it due to my entire deck being swamped with water and not draining fast enough. Doesnt matter how fast you try to get through sometimes mother nature has its way. I must say though, knock on wood still have never rolled it in the surf. Offshore it happened once.

You just have to hold your hover and say straight until water drains like you say its those close swell sets that pound you your not moving very fast full of water
...main thing is stay straight.

makobob 04-02-2017 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by MITCHELL (Post 277662)
You just have to hold your hover and say straight until water drains like you say its those close swell sets that pound you your not moving very fast full of water
...main thing is stay straight.

Get a Solo Skiff, SELF BAILING almost instantly water gone.

MITCHELL 04-02-2017 01:10 AM

No worries mate
1 Attachment(s)
Two bilge pumps self bailing : )---------》))))
I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee--->

MITCHELL 04-02-2017 01:29 AM

Don't thread on me...
Or you will get bit.....http://www.knifeup.com

MITCHELL 04-02-2017 02:00 AM

Does solo skiff have a sterling wheel and a seat that swivels °360

Originally Posted by makobob (Post 277664)
Get a Solo Skiff, SELF BAILING almost instantly water gone.

I'm to old to be sitting on a surfboard with a outboard...:doh:

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