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-   -   How to upload pictures from iPhoto to BWE (Mac) (http://www.bigwatersedge.com/bwevb/showthread.php?t=30591)

SDROB 02-06-2017 08:19 PM

How to upload pictures from iPhoto to BWE (Mac)
1 Attachment(s)
Hi guys,

Mako Bob asked me if I could write out the steps on how to upload photos from iPhoto to BWE so he can share some of his awesome experiences that he openly invites the BWE community to enjoy along with him. So here it goes....

Step 1. Locate the pictures that you would like to upload within iPhoto. Click on the picture so it becomes highlighted. (Hold Command and click multiple photos to select more than 1)

Go to the File menu and select Export.

SDROB 02-06-2017 08:20 PM

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Step 2. This window will now pop up. I suggest using the basic default settings to keep things simple. Just hit Export

SDROB 02-06-2017 08:21 PM

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Step 3. The next step is very important as you will choose where you would like to save these pictures. I suggest the desktop to keep things simple. On the left hand side select the desktop and verify that it says desktop as seen below. Hit export.

SDROB 02-06-2017 08:26 PM

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You should now have a picture or pictures on your desktop. If you want more pictures just repeat the steps above until you have all the pictures you want waiting on the desktop.

Once on your desktop I recommend naming them so you don’t get confused. (Control click the photo and select rename to change the title)

Step 4. Log in to BWE-Select the correct forum, scroll down to the bottom and click New Thread.

Title your thread, begin your post and when you are ready: scroll down to the Additional options where it says manage attachments and click.

SDROB 02-06-2017 08:29 PM

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Step 5. Select Choose File then navigate to your desktop and find the picture you would like to upload and click choose. Choose up to 5 photos by selecting the next Choose File options.

SDROB 02-06-2017 08:30 PM

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Step 6. Once done choosing files make sure to hit upload on the right hand side.

Once it’s finished uploading click submit to post your new thread with pics.

You should be uploading photos in no time!

SDROB 02-06-2017 08:48 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Now let's see some pics!

Deamon 02-07-2017 03:09 AM


That's a really...REALLY old dog you're trying to teach. My suggestion is to toss him a garlic flavored biscuit every time he completes one of your steps...:the_finger:


makobob 02-07-2017 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Deamon (Post 275033)

That's a really...REALLY old dog you're trying to teach. My suggestion is to toss him a garlic flavored biscuit every time he completes one of your steps...:the_finger:


A rib bone would be much better. AWESOME post, Thank You Rob. I will try to post today as I leave for paradise tomorrow.

YakDout 02-07-2017 07:36 AM

Those are some awesome pictures! What camera?

CrazzyGar 02-07-2017 08:17 AM

Thx... following thread.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

lambadmin 02-07-2017 08:30 AM

Nice job Rob! :cool:
Thanks for taking the time to put these instructions together!

makobob 02-07-2017 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by lambadmin (Post 275043)
Nice job Rob! :cool:
Thanks for taking the time to put these instructions together!

Rob we all know there will be others using your instructions, again Thank You amigo. Now to see if I can get it done.

SDROB 02-07-2017 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by YakDout (Post 275038)
Those are some awesome pictures! What camera?

Im not to sure. A friend came down there with me and took a bunch of pictures while he was there and gave them to me.

I do know that he put the effects on prior to taking the photos.

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