Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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jorluivil 12-14-2016 06:42 PM

Haven't Posted Much Because........
Well, my lady hasn't been feeling to we'll these last couple of weeks, she was constantly tired, had little to no appetite, constantly nauseous and had a very short temper. She finally decided to see the doctor and today we got the news...........We're expecting!!!!!!

I'm 45 and she's 46 so this is something that we weren't expecting to happen, the baby making factory closed several years ago. when she had the procedure completed we were told that there was a 1% chance that she could get pregnant again..........this is the one time when we're part of the 1%

jorluivil 12-14-2016 06:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Almost forgot to post the ultra sound pic

DanaPT 12-14-2016 07:09 PM

Well whatever is going on jorge... you've been missed.

makobob 12-14-2016 07:21 PM

First of all congratulations. Now comes te hard part, you will be in your late 50's raising a teen. But now you get your very own fishing partner, and a bundle of joy. Again congratulations. Tight Lines and Happy Holidays.

Fish Taco 12-14-2016 07:35 PM

Huge Congrats to you and your bride Jorge!!! Better you than me... I was 40 and 42 when I had my boys... am 58 and they're 18 and 17 now... I am super happy for you, but don't know if I'd have the energy to do it again. You're still a young guy though, you can do it! Best wishes to you both! (Great ultrasound by the way, glad to see it's a fly reel and not a coffee-grinder... lol!)

Orca Winfrey 12-14-2016 08:36 PM

Congrats! I was 45 when my daughter was born. Have fun. Mine is 10 now and already showing sign of becoming a teenager. :shot:

socal.beach.bum 12-14-2016 08:49 PM

So I guess you'll be selling your kayak in about ...8months? 😜

Amish Ed 12-14-2016 11:16 PM


Deamon 12-15-2016 04:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jorluivil (Post 272747)
We're expecting!!!!!!

Well...I have a few comments...:the_finger:

Because of your history/behavior/past actions...I'm not sure if the X-ray is part of an entire thread joke...or the story is real and the X-ray is kind of a finishing touch of humor...or THIS SHIT IS FO REAL!!!! Expect my call this morning...:the_finger::the_finger:

I sincerely hope it is because that would truly be a blessing to you and your wife. At the same time, I have been... "investigating" since your posting...Cbad, Nick and ALL the other baby making BWE MF's have yet to receive your plea's of: "Guys! SAVE ALL YOUR BABY STUFF FOR ME! That shit's expensive!"

Coca Cola has just secured a valued employee for 19 more years!

I'm really going to miss your motorcycle. She was a nice bike when you owned her. :the_finger::the_finger::the_finger:


Chuck D 12-15-2016 05:29 AM

Surprise or not, that child is going to be extremely lucky to have an amazing father like yourself. You are blessed and I am I extremely happy for your and your family Jorge. Congratulations from our family to yours:luxhello:

NICKWORN 12-15-2016 06:33 AM

Congrats, Welcome to the " Baby Making Crew "
I believe you just joined a very prestigious crew of baby makers, my wife is also 16weeks prego with my second son. I've got a 15month terrorizing the dog already!! I think BIG CHUCK D is also expecting his second...

Congrats man!!:cheers1:

PapaDave 12-15-2016 06:38 AM


So, 1% chance eh? Have you played the lottery lately?;)

DPevin 12-15-2016 06:39 AM

Congratulations. Here is to hoping it doesn't take away from fishing too much hah :cheers1:

I feel like when something like that happens when the chances are so small...it is pretty special.

I just had twin girls 9 months ago...however, I am only 30.

Deamon 12-15-2016 06:57 AM


Mahigeer 12-15-2016 07:03 AM

Best wishes for the future.

My dad was 51 when I was born. It can be done.

summers in kuwait 12-15-2016 08:28 AM

Congrats Jorge!

The best and hardest job I've ever had.

jorluivil 12-15-2016 08:31 AM

Sitting back drinking my coffee like...............:D

wiredantz 12-15-2016 10:47 AM

THat totally not your kid, she cheated on your bro..

I never see you use a fly rod

cabojohn 12-15-2016 01:22 PM

Day-um Jorge...CONGRATULATIONS!!! :cheers1:
A life changing event for sure. I'm stoked for you and your wife. :)

bwana 12-15-2016 02:05 PM

Sewer Immaculate Conception?
What do you all say... no pics, it didn't happen.

Where is Tony's film of the hookup?

Where is Greg's video of the downrigger hitting its depth?

Where is the picture of Roby cheering another quick pit stop?

Where is the picture of Wiredantz watching through the window?

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