Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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warburto 08-13-2016 12:17 PM

Feedback needed re: Adventure Island
Hey everyone, I recently tried out sailing on my hobie revo and had such a good time I practically didn't fish. Since then I can't stop thinking about getting into an Adventure Island. It seems like the perfect fishing/sailing platform.

My impression is that I'll still be able to do all the same things I was doing in the revo, plus go further off shore, or sail around to the PL kelp.

The big problem is that I'm on a budget and only the older used boats are within my price range. So for those of you with experience on the AI or TI, what's your thoughts on them? Do you still own a smaller boat for getting out in a hurry if you don't want to fool with the bigger one? Do you miss anything? Or is the AI just as mind blowing as it seems from all the YouTube videos I've been watching...


Saba Slayer 08-14-2016 07:15 PM

warburto...don't wait...get the AI...even the older boats are a blast to sail and fish from. I was out on Thursday trolling with the sail for some nice big 5 and 6 pound Bonito. There is a learning curve to get the sail released and rolled up each time you hookup a fish...kinda like patting your head and rubbing your belly...it take a little coordination and practice. It was really fun sitting on the trampoline with my feet on the ama (outrigger) and fighting the fish. The AI is so stable you can dance on the trampolines. I've got mine rigged out with a 7" Lowrance, bait tank, and all the regular fishing stuff...Rail Blaza makes a pretty good rod holder that mounts on the akas.
The downside is it does take a few extra minutes to set up and rig...but in my opinion it's well worth it...there's nothing like peddling out in the morning then hauling ass back in with the sail in the afternoon!
The other downside is that it's so much fun to sail that I sometimes forget I'm out there to catch some dinner...and I just enjoy sailing.
It's super easy to sail...I went out with my wife for about 15 minutes to show her how to operate the boat and now she wants to get her own AI...it's that much fun!
Yes I still have a PA and Outback to fish from with-out the set-up hassle on those days when you only have a couple of hours to fish....so I'd advise keeping that Revo if you can afford it.
I don't miss anything...there is so much room and stability on the AI.
OK...that's MHO...of the AI.
If you are in the Redondo/Palos Verdes area please let me know, and if it works out, maybe you can try my AI.

Saba Slayer 08-14-2016 07:18 PM

AI video
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uIq9awVId78" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Saba Slayer 08-14-2016 07:19 PM

AI hooping'
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YBSRafge480" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Saba Slayer 08-14-2016 07:21 PM








Saba Slayer 08-14-2016 07:28 PM

Are you sold on the AI yet? :confused: :) :) :)

warburto 08-14-2016 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Saba Slayer (Post 267351)
Are you sold on the AI yet? :confused: :) :) :)

LOL, you were one of my original inspirations for even looking at them in the first place. Yeah I'm sold. Now it's just how much of a hole I want to dig in my bank account.

Thanks for the enthusiastic reply! Haha, still laughing about how many posts you put up.

King Saba 08-14-2016 09:52 PM

lol after seeing Jim's AI I instantly had kayak envy.

Baja_Traveler 08-15-2016 06:47 AM

So when you are primarily in sailing mode, do you just lock the peddles back, or do you remove them entirely?

One of these days I will have one also - primarily to sail with...

monstahfish 08-15-2016 07:12 AM

[QUOTE=Baja_Traveler;267362]So when you are primarily in sailing mode, do you just lock the peddles back, or do you remove them entirely?

You can just leave the drive in, it acts as a second dagger board. If you can swing it, I suggest getting a 2015 or 16 because of the increased volume, sail size and seat. Also the newer one is a bit more stable without the amas, I can even stand on it in calm water. If not, the classic version is still great and at it's core, is an adventure kayak so you can always use that by itself.

alanw 08-15-2016 12:20 PM

For fishing the AI with paddle(amas in the way?)/pedal/sail the AI is very versatile and even light enough to car-top. It's still a slow sailboat though, and I don't know why people would buy one if sailing is their main concern. Plenty of AI and TI submarine vids around. But, as an extended distance kayak it's pretty neat.

Saba Slayer 08-15-2016 01:58 PM

One of the fun things about the AI is the pedal system...you can peddle out in the am when it's flat then sail back in when the wind picks up...the other is the acceleration you can get out of the peddles as you tack.
There are a lot of faster sail boats but none that are as easy or fun to fish from.


Originally Posted by Baja_Traveler (Post 267362)
So when you are primarily in sailing mode, do you just lock the peddles back, or do you remove them entirely?

One of these days I will have one also - primarily to sail with...

Ro12 08-15-2016 10:54 PM

If you ain't got one get one
Then post more reports and pics on it
More people that get em and post
More people I get to live through

Baja_Traveler 08-16-2016 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by alanw (Post 267378)
... It's still a slow sailboat though, and I don't know why people would buy one if sailing is their main concern.

So that's why I never see small sailboats out on the bay... :rolleyes:

Speed isn't everything my friend.

But you are correct in that for what an AI costs you could pick up a very nice Catamaran if sailing was the only goal...

warburto 08-16-2016 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by Baja_Traveler (Post 267462)

But you are correct in that for what an AI costs you could pick up a very nice Catamaran if sailing was the only goal...

This is something I've been thinking about quite a bit. I used to sail a Hobie 16 with my old man and I keep coming back to the price. For the price of a used AI I could get a mint Hobie or other sailing cat. But when we sailed the cat, that was all we did, and I had to hang on for deal life because he liked to sail everywhere with one hull out of the water. Fishing off a sailing cat doesn't seem all that fun to me, and I would be very skeptical of one in rough seas.

The AI/TI seems like it would actually be a more stable platform (but not as dry) for fishing and travelling in mixed seas.

The big thing for me is that I want to do both. I want to sail AND fish at the same time. So far the AI seems to fit the bill pretty tightly. But the wifey is asking me why I don't just put the little inflatable sidekicks on my Revo and shut up already about the AI... She's no fun!

warburto 09-16-2016 11:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Well, it's been a crazy month. I ended up buying two AI's. First I bought an older boat that needed some work. And then right as I was finishing up the resto on the older boat, a newer boat came on the market that was exactly what I wanted, so I bought that too!

I'm going to be selling the older boat in a few weeks, after I take a bunch of friends sailing.

But here's a pic of the new boat. It's pretty sweet.

Chet 09-16-2016 11:21 AM

Sweet looking warburto.
Do you cartop or trailer it ?

warburto 09-16-2016 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Chet (Post 269150)
Sweet looking warburto.
Do you cartop or trailer it ?

I'm car-topping it for now. But it's a beast. I need a PVC crutch to lift one end of it onto the cradles.

Chet 09-16-2016 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by warburto (Post 269155)
I'm car-topping it for now. But it's a beast. I need a PVC crutch to lift one end of it onto the cradles.

I have the old AI with side handle, find it hard to car top alone sometimes.
How do you manage to handle it when there is no side handle?

warburto 09-16-2016 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Chet (Post 269172)
I have the old AI with side handle, find it hard to car top alone sometimes.
How do you manage to handle it when there is no side handle?

I'm actually car topping a 2010 AI and the 2015 AI at the same time. I have two kayak cradles and all the amas go in the middle between the cradles. The backs of the cradles keep the amas corralled. Then the 2010 AI I can hoist by myself over my head and onto the car. But the 2015 AI I can't lift. So I made a 1 1/2" PVC bracket that fits over the end of the rack and goes to the ground. This allows me to wheel the boat over next to the car, lift the rear onto the PVC bracket, then (while holding the boat in place) move to the front and hoist the front into the front cradle. Then I come back to the back and lift the rear into the rear cradle.

It's not easy, and takes about 40 minutes to load both boats. Right now I'm wishing I had a trailer, but I'm thinking it will be simpler when I'm just running the boat in adventure mode (no amas or sail).

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