Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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pingpangdang 07-12-2016 05:38 PM

Old town predator pdl
A lot of new stuff at icast...curious about the old town predator pdl https://youtu.be/7HlAxgqRuUs

Reported 6 mph unloaded. Also reverse which would be helpful when bass fishing with wind. Not sure if you will be able to swap a minkota drive in the same bay. Looks pretty sturdy as well. Will be upgrading from my old mini x I've had since 2008...bout time.

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taggermike 07-13-2016 08:07 AM

That looks like a well designed fishing kayak. And as good as Hobie's mirage drive is, this pdl looks small and simple. I like simply. Saw that Hobie has s system that gives their drive a reverse. And it looks like a complicated fix to an already complicated system.

Hobie has such a strong local following that this drive, like the propel drive, might have trouble gaining acceptance. I remember the generally negative reaction the mirage drive got when it was released.

pingpangdang 07-13-2016 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by taggermike (Post 265152)
That looks like a well designed fishing kayak. And as good as Hobie's mirage drive is, this pdl looks small and simple. I like simply. Saw that Hobie has s system that gives their drive a reverse. And it looks like a complicated fix to an already complicated system.

Hobie has such a strong local following that this drive, like the propel drive, might have trouble gaining acceptance. I remember the generally negative reaction the mirage drive got when it was released.

Im stuck in time in 2008...back then there seemed to be a lot more paddle yaks in the water like my mini x or fish n dives. I like simple and portable...I pay for it in exertion. It surfs well too and almost impossible to pearl.

It's a workout going further south and back especially with fish...I still use a Crack of dawn paddle that's about a ton compared to what's out now. Years from now people will probably feel the same about todays hobies with all the rapid advancements in kayak tech.

Since I like simple the jackson kraken looked tempting...but after consecutive days of long paddling it will still take a toll.

The old town looks promising...along with quick reverse. This could come in handy on a big surf reverse reentry landing speeding in reverse then powering forward when a wave comes then reversing again...then pull up in 3 feet of water paddling backwards.

I'm told the old town drive also floats and the hull design looks like it will surf better than a pa hull.

Prop is supposed to be weed less and may be better than the other prop yaks that have been out. Skeptics say there will be issues with kelp but if you are flylining slow trolling if that's a problem your bait probably has kelp too.

I'll just have to test drive them all...would be nice to surf test them

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pingpangdang 07-13-2016 10:37 PM

From icast


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PapaDave 07-14-2016 06:57 AM

I'm a die hard Hobie guy, but I have to say this kayak doesn't look bad. There are a lot of similarities in the two, enough to consider buying one.

I don't think they have to break any barriers regarding the pedal drive, Hobie's done that already. I imagine the real make or break will be the price difference between this and the Hobie models.

Harry Hill 07-14-2016 07:25 AM

I like the recumbent bike style of peddling over the back and forth of the mirage drive which would be a big reason for me to go this route. I've been looking at the Native Slayer also. Since my rotator cuff decided to start acting up again it looks like I will have to make the choice sooner than later. I'm going out of Newport this weekend for a long paddle so I will see how much this shoulder is going to act up but I do like the looks of this Old Town, I guess I will have to sell one of my toys. I do hate the weight of these peddle kayaks. Why can't they make them 20lbs lighter?

pingpangdang 07-14-2016 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Harry Hill (Post 265240)
I like the recumbent bike style of peddling over the back and forth of the mirage drive which would be a big reason for me to go this route. I've been looking at the Native Slayer also. Since my rotator cuff decided to start acting up again it looks like I will have to make the choice sooner than later. I'm going out of Newport this weekend for a long paddle so I will see how much this shoulder is going to act up but I do like the looks of this Old Town, I guess I will have to sell one of my toys. I do hate the weight of these peddle kayaks. Why can't they make them 20lbs lighter?

Agree...lighter would be nice.

79lbs with no seat and drive. Here is a more thorough walk through. https://youtu.be/xYxmDVhrcuk

A lot of space behind the seat for a bait tank and fish. Built in dry box...seat looks simple to adjust along with rudder controls that look solid. This thing looked pretty stable too in other videos standing up in it on calm water.

Made in U.S.A.

I figure I'll just build this thread for the bwe archives for someone shopping for a new kayak in a few months. I'm still interested....

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pingpangdang 07-17-2016 06:25 AM

Won best of show boat category at icast https://youtu.be/Le-ttCOqy-g

Complete list http://www.icastfishing.org/news/pre...f-show-awards/

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monstahfish 07-17-2016 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by pingpangdang (Post 265426)
Won best of show boat category at icast https://youtu.be/Le-ttCOqy-g

Complete list http://www.icastfishing.org/news/pre...f-show-awards/

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I wouldn't put too much stock in that. Without getting too into it, show winners aren't voted on by people who have actually used the product and almost all of them are seeing it for the first time without explanation(it's not in a booth with reps explaining or answering questions, just the product and a placard with the company and product name). They're not even supposed to touch the products in the showcase. The voters are outdoors writers at the show, many of whom don't have a full slate of experiences. For instance, one may be a fly fishing or offshore expert but has never been in a kayak yet likes the look of it and votes that way. It's like asking an amish person to vote on the best car. I was there when the predator xl won and let's just say I've never seen one on the water and I could say more but don't want to bash.

The point is... TRY BEFORE YOU BUY

momo fish 07-17-2016 11:07 PM

As much as we would like to see good alternatives to hobie, this still does not seem like a good fit for surf type launches..

I can't get past how high the drive sticks out while trying to jump in to surf launch.. I am always seeking alternative kayaks for different situation so maybe this would be great for lakes, bay etc..? Then again so is a Hobie...

Now if I ever find a peddle kayak that is low profile, light weight and can also be paddled .. Well then take my money please!

pingpangdang 07-18-2016 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by monstahfish (Post 265465)
I wouldn't put too much stock in that. Without getting too into it, show winners aren't voted on by people who have actually used the product and almost all of them are seeing it for the first time without explanation(it's not in a booth with reps explaining or answering questions, just the product and a placard with the company and product name). They're not even supposed to touch the products in the showcase. The voters are outdoors writers at the show, many of whom don't have a full slate of experiences. For instance, one may be a fly fishing or offshore expert but has never been in a kayak yet likes the look of it and votes that way. It's like asking an amish person to vote on the best car. I was there when the predator xl won and let's just say I've never seen one on the water and I could say more but don't want to bash.

The point is... TRY BEFORE YOU BUY

Agree on testing...also with new kayaks/systems a year of customer use is sure to bring a lot of feedback making the following years model improved. But if it tests good and fills a need we'll see...it will be a few months until these hit the streets along with the radar.

I have not heard from jackson and I think they are probably going to surprise everyone sooner than later with their own drive system tailored to socal beach launches and conditions

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pingpangdang 07-18-2016 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by momo fish (Post 265471)
As much as we would like to see good alternatives to hobie, this still does not seem like a good fit for surf type launches..

I can't get past how high the drive sticks out while trying to jump in to surf launch.. I am always seeking alternative kayaks for different situation so maybe this would be great for lakes, bay etc..? Then again so is a Hobie...

Now if I ever find a peddle kayak that is low profile, light weight and can also be paddled .. Well then take my money please!

I've been known to liu kang my ff off the mount on more than one occasion...good point


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momo fish 07-18-2016 10:31 AM

Is seen you do crazier things off that small kayak of yours on the water so I don't doubt your abilities at all...

Hope to fish again another day soon..

DiabloDan 07-28-2016 08:37 PM

Noob here! With a noob Question on OT Predator PDL
This new PDL system, the body looks like a modified Ocean Kayak BG Prowler 2, I know it's the same parent company to old town. But, is the Predetaor PDL suitable as a kayak a noob like me to learn on. The only experience I have is fishing with the guys from HOW. (BTW, my son and I are having a BLAST at theses events)

I have a back injury on the mend, so traditional paddle is a bit trying and pain recovery after an event is a bit. (But it doesn't take away from the experience).

Your positive input is greatly appreciated.:reel:

pingpangdang 07-29-2016 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by DiabloDan (Post 266356)
This new PDL system, the body looks like a modified Ocean Kayak BG Prowler 2, I know it's the same parent company to old town. But, is the Predetaor PDL suitable as a kayak a noob like me to learn on. The only experience I have is fishing with the guys from HOW. (BTW, my son and I are having a BLAST at theses events)

I have a back injury on the mend, so traditional paddle is a bit trying and pain recovery after an event is a bit. (But it doesn't take away from the experience).

Your positive input is greatly appreciated.:reel:

Dan, not sure if you are in SD but best bet is to test them at the nearest oex. A lot of the new icast peddle drives won't hit the streets til fall or early next year. If you have a bad back test them out in the water and support the local kayak suppliers. Some folks here are cool enough to let you try and even borrow a kayak same goes at the launch.

Might want to sit in one for at least an hour or whatever your normal fishing duration is. Don't forget about weight loading and unloading and how you will do that ....that will jack your back too

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DiabloDan 07-29-2016 03:53 PM

Thanks for the info, I live in the Inland Empire, (dream of moving to the San Diego area someday). I will try before I buy. I just want to make an informed purchase on a quality product that will last.

Again thanks!

Iceman 08-05-2016 08:19 AM

It is looking very promising that we will be giving one of these to some lucky winner at the James Lebowitz Memorial Tournament in the raffle



Iceman 10-13-2016 01:34 PM

Just got my demo today, come by this weekend if you want to test one out.


Harry Hill 10-13-2016 06:06 PM

Does the Mission store have a demo also?

Iceman 10-14-2016 08:40 AM

Harry, yes they do.



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