Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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Saba Slayer 07-06-2016 07:45 AM

Bluefish Tuna...?
Morons...can't even get the name of the fish correct...!


fresh to salt 07-06-2016 08:06 AM

Hahaha idiots...

Geno Machino 07-06-2016 08:07 AM

All they want is to tell us is: NO...you can't

FullFlavorPike 07-06-2016 10:31 AM

LA Times is a very good paper. Cut them some slack. Typos are harder to catch than most people think. J

Notice the 15,000 other names, locations, technical terms, and foreign words spelled correctly in the paper every single day.

YakDout 07-06-2016 10:49 AM

Saw this in san diego union tribune a couple weeks ago also.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

HobieOneCanoebe 07-06-2016 11:25 AM

ridiculous...I'm extra bitter because i live right in front of the swamis mlpa I just think they should move the zone that's protected every 5 years or so protecting one section of coastline at a time and giving me back my lobster spots lol. seriously though I would think it would be easier to convince the city or whoever to move the mlpa every 5 years or so then it would be to remove it and I do like conserving too, just not the best fishing grounds FOR LIFE there should be a reason we are conserving...to replenish our resources and fish again.

Enough of my rant maybe they could just lower the catch limit per trip on bluefin as i said i like the idea of conserving if we can keep everyone happy, if not f it lets get some tuna pens:the_finger:

iethinker 07-06-2016 06:57 PM

If we give an inch...it's gone forever. Wait for you to get used to it then another inch gone. It's called incrementalism.

PapaJ 07-06-2016 07:18 PM

I believe those are in the yellowtail tuna family!:)

jpp9565 07-06-2016 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by FullFlavorPike (Post 264697)
LA Times is a very good paper. Cut them some slack. Typos are harder to catch than most people think. J

Notice the 15,000 other names, locations, technical terms, and foreign words spelled correctly in the paper every single day.

Dude, you must be high. The LA Times is a commie rag POS! I wouldn't let my bird sh!t on it.

Saba Slayer 07-07-2016 05:56 AM

City or whoever...?
HobieOne Canoebe..."ridiculous...I'm extra bitter because i live right in front of the swamis alpa I just think they should move the zone that's protected every 5 years or so protecting one section of coastline at a time and giving me back my lobster spots lol. seriously though I would think it would be easier to convince the city or whoever to move the alpa every 5 years or so then it would be to remove it and I do like conserving too, just not the best fishing grounds FOR LIFE there should be a reason we are conserving...to replenish our resources and fish again."

You should go to a CCA meeting or a DFG meeting to talk to a few folks to see who is setting the MPA lines and tune in to what the DFG Commission really thinks about the MPA's.
You seem poorly informed and perhaps you might want to catch up on how it all works and who's in charge.

HobieOneCanoebe..."maybe they could just lower the catch limit per trip on bluefin"...they lowered the catch limit last season to two BFT per person...please don't advocate for a lower limit than that! Lower the commercial quota not the recreational quota...!

FullFlavorPike 07-07-2016 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by jpp9565 (Post 264743)
The LA Times is a commie rag POS!

1956 wants its political buzzwords back.

chris138 07-07-2016 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by jpp9565 (Post 264743)
Dude, you must be high. The LA Times is a commie rag POS! I wouldn't let my bird sh!t on it.

Wait.... are you saying that you are NOT high? What kind of kayak fisherman are you?!?

HobieOneCanoebe 07-07-2016 04:32 PM

sabaslayer maybe you can let me know why they couldn't move the protected zone every 10 or 15 years if you are so informed. I'll stick to fishing around the mpa though and leave the meetings to you brotha. On another note reducing commercial take on bluefish tuni sounds like a good idea to me :you_rock:

HobieOneCanoebe 07-07-2016 04:34 PM

I'm honestly interested if moving it is even a possibility though so if you could save me a trip to a meeting i'd really appreciate it, thanks.

jpp9565 07-07-2016 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by chris138 (Post 264770)
Wait.... are you saying that you are NOT high? What kind of kayak fisherman are you?!?

:cheers1: that was funny!

Saba Slayer 07-08-2016 05:28 AM

Sorry HobieOne...
Sorry HobieOne...I can't let you off the hook that easily..." I'll stick to fishing around the mpa though and leave the meetings to you brother."
"Hey Bro"...I hate going to meetings...they are contentious, and boring. Trust me I'd rather be anywhere else than volunteering to drive to Bakersfield to comment in front of the Commission about your new lobster regs or the WSB fishery management plan. There's nothing like having a fight over your natural rights to fish with the commercial, extreme Ecos, and the DFW. The Ocean Conservancy and Heal the Bay don't miss a meeting!
This is a perfect example of the typical fisherman's APATHY that is allowing the "other side" to take away our fishing areas and rights. Just let someone else do it...!!!!:the_finger:
I could give you the answer easily as could about half of the BWE community that are vets of the MLPA process....but I won't...INSTEAD...please come to the next CCA CAL San Diego Chapter's meeting and ask Louis Almeda or one of the other members to explain how the MPA lines work and who sets them.
The next meeting is on Wednesday the 27th from 6pm to 8:30pm at Dos Desperados Brewery at 1241 Linda Vista Dr. in San Marcos.
And now the big question...are you a member of the CCA CAL?
Please join the CCA and then volunteer to help defend your fishing rights...Be a part of the solution...not part of the problem.
"I'm honestly interested if moving it is even a possibility though so if you could save me a trip to a meeting i'd really appreciate it, thanks."
I'd love it if someone would step up and "save me" a few trips to some meetings!!!!:cheers1:
OK rant over...now you can go on with organizing your tourney!

jruiz 07-08-2016 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by HobieOneCanoebe (Post 264781)
I'm honestly interested if moving it is even a possibility though so if you could save me a trip to a meeting i'd really appreciate it, thanks.

I expected more out of a Jedi tournament organizer like yourself. This mentality reminds me of a guy I was talking to during the first year of CCA at Fred Hall who said he couldn't spare any more money because he just bought a $60,000 fishing machine, not including electronics. Are you aware or even care about anything beyond what's 3 feet around you? Jim, like many fishing right advocates, are all volunteers that take time it of their already busy schedules. Who are you to impose a personal interest on Jim for him to fight on your behalf?

momo fish 07-08-2016 07:47 AM

Instead of putting efforts into organizing some fishing tourney, the same effort could be going towards helping remove MLPA or help defend anglers right...

I mean what's the point of tournaments if you are left with nowhere to fish..


Originally Posted by HobieOneCanoebe (Post 264781)
I'm honestly interested if moving it is even a possibility though so if you could save me a trip to a meeting i'd really appreciate it, thanks.

HobieOneCanoebe 07-08-2016 01:23 PM

Dam I'll see if I can get off work I run a store though I usually work 12-11. As for the tourney I get one vacation a year and it's coming up so I thought I'd do something fun with the week off I get. Sorry for offending you guys I'll show up to a meeting one of these days that I have off and ask my questions. How do you sign up for cca

YOYOYaker 07-08-2016 02:54 PM

Next CCA meeting
Thanks for letting me know that the next meeting will be in San Marcos. I will be there to check it out, especially since I live in San Marcos. I do not want to sound like I would not attend meetings held in other places, but I do not have great transportation, so this one would be easier for me to attend. I hope to meet/see you there. Thanks again.:paddleersmilie::jig:

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