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Localism...why not in La Jolla?
Curious why the launch ramp hasn't seen this kind of behavior? You would assume LJ would be prime for this. |
Would you like to see a La Jolla kayaker Gang? Be careful what you wish for...I know there's a kayak mafia in dana point somewhere... |
Pier fishermen also have problems with surfers.
I saw on one occasion a surfer tried to pull the rod over the rail at the Malibu pier. While fighting the Manhattan Pier closure case at a city council meeting, a surfer put on a DVD showing the council how a surfer went under the pier. Shoot the pier as it is called. The entire council including the mayor applauded which was wrong on many levels. A) The madam mayor had said at the onset of the meeting that “There will be no showing of emotions during the meeting”. B) Not only is it dangerous to “shoot the pier” due to fatalities, but it is illegal in many municipalities. |
Dont worry there are plenty of internet tough guys round here.
Its happening in LJ, its just not happening at the shore
What you call that comm that pulled out his gun on a kayaker a few months ago?
Just go drop in on some kooks at Windansea if you feel the need to be berated for insufficient local cred.
i spent 25 years surfing ventura and oxnard. gave beating and took beatings. i was the local for many many years acting out and being a dumbass tough guy. you defiantly will not see that out of me in kayak community. i gave up the surf years ago for the kinder sports.
I'm seeing the LJ area getting steadily more crowded. And with crowds comes attitude. I'm seeing more guys respond to my wave or "what's up" with a dead stare and then turning away.
Guys localize surf breaks to maximise a valuable resource. Waves. The launch in LJ isn't really a valuable resource that any one would bother tying to hoard. Mike |
It's one of reason why I always bring a Gopro with me. Video can be a powerful testimony in court.
I fish La Jolla all the time and people are super cool. Don't think I've ever had any real issues with anyone at the launch or on the water. I've had guys in yaks and boat get a little to close. Big deal. It's usually just someone who's new or doesn't realize they're crowding you. Tell them nicely, be a reasonable person, and don't look for a fight. Save the Go Pro for all the :yt: you catch. You'll have more fun. Pat |
last year it was reported that someone was shooting a gun to scare off kayakers. Another report... some crazy boater threaten a kayaker and kept casting an iron at him almost hit him. And yes, it all happen right in La Jolla. I don't look for trouble, trouble seems to always find me. I don't really mind if big LARGE boats getting close to me. Many of those boaters are my friends. I'm not paranoid by no means. I do bring a Gopro to film my hook ups. But it's like having a camera in your car and you get into an accident. video would tell whose fault it really was. A lot crazy things can happen on crowed waters. |
Never have a had a problem in LJ with any D Bags...people wave, I wave, I give up my bait if I am heading in, talk fish and BS on shore...my beef is with the FU%^ing Dogs..:the_finger:...but they live there, we don't..comes with territory.
If anyone gets stupid with you...get naked, jump in and swim after them..they tend to flee quickly....See you out there...:cheers1: |
Is it legal to fish naked from a kayak?
Why I bring a GoPro. |
Just wondering because of your moniker. I assume you are a LEO?? |
Not LEO. Just read the story and was pissed off at the apparent collusion between the entitled trust fund bullies and the police there who overlook their activities.
I thought LJ would be prime for this behavior, but I guess in kayaking, the ocean is big and the fish are pelagic, so it may be tough to claim a "break". Quote:
Coolio & thanks I think us kayakers are a different breed and are more laid back in general. We can be stoked for someone else when they catch one. Its all good... I have met some really good people on the water. :) The fishing localism I have seen is mostly on the bbs...when the fishing is slooow. :eek: |
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